L.B. (Loralie) McGill, was born June 15, 1963, in upstate NY. She was introduced early, to classic literature; giving her an appreciation for the written word. A lover of letters, music, and theater, she continued her education independently after high school. Her post formal educational studies include; owning and operating a nonprofit children’s theater and producing an independent film. She lives with her youngest daughter, in the Pacific town of, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, in southern California.
About Me
· Produced and Directed: 30 live stage performances.
· Produced, Written and Directed: One, Mini-Feature Film.
· Produced, Written and Directed: One Short-Film.
· Written: Two TV Pilots.
· Written: One Children’s Novella.
· Written: Two Short Stories.
· Written: Three Screen Plays.
· Written: Two Stage Plays.
· Written: One-thousand page exam: on "The Meaning of Life".
· Created: various-sundry Paintings, Drawings and Poetry.
· I played music professionally for years.
· I sing and play guitar.
· I was the lead in a play that went to The American College Theater Festival.
· I worked as a professional clown and singing telegram for ten years.
· I’ve written shows for and performed at the Del Mar Fair.
· I’m a song writer
· I was a Stage Manager and Costume Designer at North County Rep
· I owned and operated a Non-Profit Children’s Theater for 7 years.
· I have studied music and dance.
· I paint.
· I edited my own film.
· I made the costumes for the theater
· I am an accomplished seamstress.
· I made the props and painted the scenery, for the children’s theater.
· I have owned 5 businesses.
· I’m a paper Mache’- artist and sold my artwork professionally for 5 years.
· I taught theater at a charter school.
· I cook
· I’ve traveled to China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia, Ireland, Mexico City. and Hawaii.
· I ride horses
· I love camping and the outdoors
· I love plants
· I have 5 children and 5 grandchildren
· I have 6 pets
Winkie and the Sunflower
by Caffeine & Ink (Family)
Author A young bee, bright and inventive, seeks to be a member of the Queen's Royal Guard. By building a wild contraption to improve their lives. Only to discover that life does not always go as planned and he may need to grow up faster than he expected.
Miss Moffet, a beautiful and wise sunflower, tending to her garden and glowing amid the sunlight; Learns, all too easily, that love is everywhere and sadness is only temporary.
Dead Serious
Film (short)
by LB McGill (Comedy)
Author/Producer/ Director Long ago the father Sky was castrated by his son Earth to gain control and thus gave birth to Love and Revenge. This is an old Greek fable. A story told again and again to explain why we as humans act the way we act. Or is it? What if it were real? What if the goddesses of Love and Revenge were unleashed on the world, or in this case, on the life of one puny human being by the name of Paul Risario? Paul is an ordinary man, unless you ask him of course and in that case he is an extraordinary man; a man with an up and coming acting career, a devoted wife and doting mistress; a man in charge. Until one morning he wakes up to find the heavens conspiring against him and his whole life turned upside down by the Gods. It could happen to any of us. All we can really hope is that it turns into the sidesplitting comedy of Dead Serious!
Cameo Appearance
Screenwriter CAMEO APPEARANCE is the story of Melania, a young Slovenian woman who is determined to leave behind a life of poverty and tyranny to pursue a career as an artist. Her future is unsure as she moves into the city of Ljubljana alone and encounters terrors more menacing than those she has left behind. Faced with the insurmountable odds of providing for herself, she eventually comes eye to eye with her greatest nemesis, the Guardian of Happiness. It is only then that she learns she has always had the power to free herself from hunger, failure and loneliness, and is able to embrace her bright and happy future.
by Tin KB Coffee Co Pictures (Drama)
Screenwriter/Producer/Director 29-year-old Virginia Hudson is an appraiser and amateur sleuth. She is often asked by police or clients to appraise items, which have fallen through the cracks. It’s Virginia’s responsibility to value the items. She is responsible for tracing the item to an heir or rightful owner, but ultimately goes about solving a mystery. All the episodes will be filmed in San Diego and use San Diego’s unique juxtaposition to Mexico and our rich historical background to further story lines.
Venus and Adonis The Curse of Love
by Tin KB Coffee Co Pictures (Comedy)
Original Adaptation/Producer/Director/Actress This is a tale about Venus, Goddess of Love and the day she tries to seduce Adonis, young huntsman. The story takes place at sunrise when she flags Adonis down from his horse. She's a bit abrasive and actually drags the lad from his mount. She ties up his stallion and proceeds to wrestle him to the ground, but he breaks free. After a long chase over hill and dale, and a lengthy diatribe on the attributes of love, Adonis becomes exhausted and returns to his palfrey. There's only one problem, his stallion has made off with a runaway breeding mare, and in spite of Adonis' efforts, cannot be recovered. He scolds Venus heartily for the loss and bids her to leave. Heartbroken at his rejection Venus tries a gentler touch. She begins to beg him for just one kiss, but by now the day is spent, so an exasperated Adonis agrees to kiss her as long as she will say good night and allow him to return home. Satisfied with the deal- they kiss. But Venus, having tasted such sweet fruit hungers for more and asks to see him the next day. Adonis explains that he cannot, as he is expected by his friends to hunt the boar. When Venus hears that he is going boar hunting, she cries out, and begs him not to. She tells him that she fears for his life and that surely he will die. Only Adonis doesn't listen. He reacts angrily, calls her a silly woman and stalks off. After spending the night alone worried about Adonis, she hears the hunting horn at daybreak. She rushes to him, arriving at the barking hounds she shortly discovers his body gored to death by the boar. It is at that moment that Venus curses love...
The Tales of Peter Rabbit
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Original Adaptation/Producer/Director The Tales of Peter Rabbit: I adapted the script from the original story, I thought I would die making these costumes, but what a lovely show!
At a Bar in South Park
by The Black Zebra 101 (Comedy)
Playwright/Producer/Director An original play by LB McGill
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Original Adaptation/Producer/Director The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe: With a place of our own we could do anything. In this scene Lucy comforts Mr. Tumnus. I adapted the play from the novella and wow! What a great show!
Blue Legs and Other Coming of Age Stories
by Publisher Phyllis Scott Enterprises (Family)
Author The elusive, unstable and treasured fragments that make up our individual identities are often traceable to the awkward experiences of our fleeting teen years. The stories in this collection look back upon these awkward coming of age years with wit and wisdom. Some of the talented wordsmiths in this volume have decades between themselves and the age of freckles and pimples, others are only a few years removed from the manufactured crises of teen drama. What unites these authors is their common desire to document and examine this most intriguing season of life. Our collection opens with Bex Bates’s “Blue Legs,” a humorous look back on a family’s culinary rituals. Ms. Bates captures both the universality of family relationships and the uniqueness of this delightful family’s crab-eating life together. We move from blue to red with Lisa Dunn’s exposure of the woman behind a stunning red coat. Like Toto in the Wizard of Oz, Dunn pulls away the cloak and reveals what really lurks behind the intimidating façade in “The Kind of Woman in a Red Coat.” LB McGill and LM Ellzey reach back even further in the past and poke around into their characters’ preteen past. In “True Grit,” McGill’s lead character struggles with human relationships, but achieves an intensely gratifying mutuality with a cantankerous pony while at summer camp. Ellzey’s preteen character in “Water Puddles” also flees the world of troubled human relationships and finds consolation by cavorting with an unwieldy gang of spider-like children who inhabit the majesty spires of a nearby bridge. Young men often have a more difficult time accepting the responsibilities of adulthood than do young women. “Wishes,” “Dog Years,” and “Ghetto Birds” each looks over the shoulder of a young man who is moving toward maturity. In “Wishes,” Emerald Barnes allows the reader to witness the conflicted emotions of a young man who unexpectedly finds himself approaching fatherhood. His initial reactions are not good, but can he grow up? The young man in Shaun Deilke’s “Dog Years” also appears without initial merit, however, his relationship with an aging canine sheds light on the better impulses of his maturing character. The young man in Matthew James’s “Ghetto Birds” indulges in the self-absorption of youth before coming to the realization that one can find moments of transcendence in even the most mundane activities. Our next two stories offer retrospectives on the teen experience of sports and competition—one story from the perspective of the underdog and one from the perspective of the star athlete. Laura L. Mays Hoopes’s young softball player both laments and rejoices in the rituals of choosing teams for a softball game. The reader’s responses will range from resigned laughter to sympathetic sighs as Laura’s character experiences, evaluates and then reevaluates the social dynamics of teen sportsmanship. Everett Cooney looks at high school sports from the perspective of the star athlete—a wrestler, in fact. Coaches, we learn, have their human foibles. Our final story, JP Behrens’s “The Final Statement,” gives painful voice to the effects of teen bullying and adult indifference—a plight which is too common and a tragedy which is less than rare. As always, each of these stories has won the highly competitive Phyllis Scott contest for short stories. We are happy to offer these gifted emerging authors to the reading public. Phyllis Scott, series editor
The Importance of Being Ernest
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Director/Producer The Importance of Being Ernest: Great show!
The Misanthrope
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director The Misanthrope: And so ended our time at Innovative Body Science, we were back on the streets performing at the meeting hall again. but I have no complaints, this show was a lot of fun to work on. These children did a beautiful job with the French accents!
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Original Adaptation/Producer/Director Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: We did it! After 5 years packing in and out we finally got our own space in Solana Beach! I adapted Jekyll and Hyde from the novella and so began our time as a real theatre!
Abie's Irish Rose
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Abi's Irish Rose: Loved this old play. It's about a young couple that falls in love. Simple right, well she's Irish, he's Jewish and NO one wants to tell the papas!
Saint Joan
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Saint Joan: Hardest play I ever had to produce. These kids did a great job!
Dracula the Comedy
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Dracula- The Comedy! : lol this one was actually written as a comedy. Funny funny show. And the beginning of a pretty happy season for Classic Youth Theatre. One of the mom's was in the lotion business. You think I'm kidding? I couldn't make that up! Her warehouse was 8,000 sq feet! So we blocked of an unused 1,000 sq feet and did a whole season there!
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Hamlet: It kind of ended up being a comedy! It wasn't a great show, but I've seen adults do it worse. —
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Pygmalion: Henry brings Liza to tea at his mothers. It was a difficult show. Big cast, young actors, but they pulled it off!
The Matchmaker
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director The Matchmaker. Cornelius is found in the closet of Irene Molloy's hat shop! A scandal ensues. We actually did this show at the local retirement community hall. They Loved It!
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Mary Shelly's Frankenstein: Obviously based on the novel, in the scene Frankenstein is listening unseen to the drama happening in the house next to the hovel he's found to hide in. He falls in love with the family and begins to help only it is to his end. We had just lost our space at The Carlsbad Village Theatre due to his desire to no longer include "plays" in his performance space. This was the first show we did outside that space. beautiful show, amazing acting, unforgettable!
Barefoot in the Park
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Barefoot in the Park: Paul and Corry Bratter have to have their phone reinstalled. Funny show, small cast, great job.
The Odd Couple (the female version)
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director The Odd Couple (The Female Version): In this scene the girls get together for trivial pursuit and get worried because Florance is late. I never thought we'd pull this one off but we did! And it was pretty funny!
Blithe Spirit
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Blithe Spirit: It's an old Noel Coward Play I ran across. I had never heard of it. Two years later I attended a showing of it at the local community college. I was like hmmmmm something is fishy, this is too coincidental. It's the story of a writer who hires a "congerer" to hold a seance for research on a novel he's doing. It all goes wrong and he ends up living with the ghost of his ex wife, who is none to happy about it. lol brilliant show. I loved every minute of it.
Midsummer Nights Dream
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Midsummer Night's Dream: I have the fondest memory of this show. Everything went perfectly. I designed the costumes and handed them off to one of the moms who did a beautiful job, the children were professional and almost all of them knew their lines! lol. The program looked great because I didn't design it! Another mom did some paintings that you can't see here but were projected onto the screen. It was magical. It was the first time I actually believed this little theatre company was going to make it, if we could just build from here I thought, surly it will succeed! The community was pitching in and it was going to be GREAT!!!
You Can't Take it With You
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director You Can't Take it With You!: This show will always be remembered in my mind as the one and only train wreck I produced (although Holiday show 2006 came close). I had to fire my lead actress 2 weeks before opening because she simply refused to show up for rehearsal. And she wasn't the only casting problem. Every time I would get a kid into a slot, another would fall out. By the time we opened, I actually put one of the parent's boyfriends on stage. He was 40 and 6'5. It was hysterical. The audience loved it, but I was a mess! —
Arsenic and Old Lace
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer Director Arsenic and Old Lace: The old ladies get interrupted during a funeral by their menacing nephew Johnathon and his creepy friend "the doctor"
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Harvey This is the scene when Mrs. Chauvenet comes for a ladies tea and runs into a 6' rabbit! I bought her dress at a little second hand shop in Carlsbad for $40! It was a fortune to spend on one costume, but it's an awesome dress! Do it again all over again.
Cyrano de Bergerac
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano buys off Roxane's nurse with pastries so he can be alone with her.
Streetcar Named Desire
by Classic Youth Theatre (Family)
Producer/Director Street Car Named Desire: You may wonder why I decided to produce this play with infants. Good question, it was never my intention. But when 13 year olds showed up to audition... what was a girl gonna do, I edited! This was how Classic Youth Theatre was born
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