Composing : Pay Attention To The Temp Track by Joel Irwin

Joel Irwin

Pay Attention To The Temp Track

A couple of days ago, I heard a talk by an established and experienced composer, Carlos Rivera who has won 3 prime time emmys whose scores include Queens Gambit and Hacks.  He talks about being asked to score a 20 second clip and provided with a temp track (which by the way came from the opening of the "Caravan" track from Whiplash).  He (and his co-composer) had some ideas as to how the clip should be scored and jazz was not his strong suit.  They ended up going through something like 17 rejected cues until they finally scored a cue which had a jazzy rhythm and horns (which sounded pretty close to the temp track).   His recommendations is score the way you are asked and if you want have an alternate track in your back pocket to offer though be prepared to not have it selected.

By the way, I was amazed how much time two rather well established studio composers spent on a single 20 second cue on a TV series.

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