Introduce Yourself : I like this idea. by Terrence Moss

Terrence Moss

I like this idea.

My name is Terrence Moss. I am an independent writer in Los Angeles. I write TV-related articles and a short fiction series that is nearing it's 200-blogisode run. I also profile up-and-coming actors and actresses about their work, aspirations and approach to craft. I am a member of the International Academy of Web Television. I co-wrote the upcoming web series "Child of the 70s". I have a role in the upcoming fourth season of "The Cavanaughs" web series. I helped promote the "Bitter Bartender" web series earlier this year. And I am working on an independent pilot project called "Just Us Guys", which is currently in pre-production. I operate a blog and a website. I feel like the busiest guy in America who has no paying job. And yet, it's better than what I was doing for a twice-monthly check.

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