Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself..... by Maureen Onuigbo

Introducing myself.....

Hello, I started this yesterday and lost it. I'm going to try again. Apologies if you find the lost one.

My name is Maureen Onuigbo. (On-wee-bo, the g is silent) originally from Nigeria, physician/mother of 2 teenagers, 19 and 16, by day, writer at night.

I am working on my first novel, "The Americanization of Mmeri" It's a novel about, identity, gender, cultural transplantation. I started in 2012 and 80% done. Now the painful editing part before I give it to a professional editor for scrubbing. Fingers crossed, I will be ready for pub this year.

Some of my work was published on

Excerpts from my novel made the finalist list for Kore Press Short Story Contest 2015 and Narrative Spring Contest 2017 (Adamu and the Fabulous Four)

Im interested in working with other artist, read/feedback for your work and vice versa, or whatever.

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