Introduce Yourself : Rom-Com / Fantasy / Action/Adventure Screenwriter by DeAnna Parks

DeAnna Parks

Rom-Com / Fantasy / Action/Adventure Screenwriter

Hi everyone! I've been a member here since about a month ago, and I'm a screenwriter originally from Minnesota. I lived out in LA for 2 years before getting married to a soldier, and I think I write even more now than when I lived in LA :) No agent yet, but that's my goal for this year. Been writing skillfully since 2008. I've got a fantasy ready to shop around, and a rom-com I'm doing a (hopefully) final re-write on. The fantasy might be something New Line Cinema or Lions Gate might produce. The rom-com is pretty low budget, under $1 million. Other than writing, I enjoy bike-riding, critiquing movies, and cooking (not all at once.)

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