Introduce Yourself : a bit about Vic Clay by Tori Clay

a bit about Vic Clay

HI all, my name is Vic Clay. I am primarily an actor but I also direct, produce, write and more. So a short cv of V.C. would be ....a rhyme! And it would have my 70 or so films, 24 plays, 2 of them I directed, plus standup, vo, stunts, comedy improv troupe, producing, writing, coaching, musician and more. I live in Boston, Ma but I will go wherever the work is as long as it is SAGAFTRA sanctioned. I am a trained, talented and professional in all respects. I don't work for free or cheap but I work hard. Currently looking to book work for 2013. See me on the IMDB , Iactor, Youtube, and most casting sites.

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