Take your networking off-line. Find film, TV and theater related meetups near you.
Where: | San Francisco, California |
Created Apr 20, 2015 | |
12 Members | 24 Meetups |
We are a groups of artists, film makers, designers, musicians, bankers, health professionals, attorneys, business leaders and others from the Startup, Entrepreneur and Founder community! Our events are held Monthly in San Francisco! This is the most unique networking event you can attend. Check out our site and what people have said about our events: http://www.TheArtofActiveNetworking.comScroll down on the homepage and also watch our TEDx Talk!
This is a group dedicated to helping each of it's members do better. While we are not exclusively for the entertainment business, we have thousands of members worldwide who are members because Mark E. Sackett our founder is a Designer, Director, Producer and Art Director for Film, Music, Television and Advertising. We believe that by helping others we grow powerful and sustainable relationships. Mark knows that we work with those we know, like and trust, yet this business is about long casting lines, sending endless headshots and using our fingers crossed mentality to connect for an opportunity. But having powerful relationships is so much more critical to success.
We do these events monthly in New York, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Pasadena, 4 to 6 times a year in Vancouver, Kansas City and select other cities as we are invited.
Take a look at our Website and join us in your city. http://www.TheArtofActiveNetworking.com
Tickets are 20$ online and 30$ cash as the door. This charge is only to cover venue and overhead costs and the events are between 35-135 people maximum! Mark makes sure you meet every person in the room and personally attends all events to ensure that!
Questions? Call Mark anytime at 415-602-9500
Remember....no matter what you want to accomplish, don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle!
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/GqjlleXFObY
I know first hand how hard it is for so many people to start a new business, to launch a new idea, project or product. And I also know that some days you wake up and just want to give up. Fear, self doubt and the realities of launching anything can stall us. I think this is often compounded by people who want to get something off the ground and they perhaps are making it a side hustle to start, or they simply don't have money, resources or enough time in the day after they finish the myriad of other things on that pesky to do list!
I have always been very driven, I have never launched anything with outside money or investment and frankly have just blindly and passionately dove in head first. I turned my hobbies into businesses, and I am not sure I would suggest anyone do that. But, I will suggest you are first passionate about whatever it is you plan to do, and second network like crazy, building resources, connections and community. It's ok to ask for help, it's ok to struggle...we all do! But follow up with each person you meet and even if you are the one in need, ask every person you meet how you can help them to do better. I know when we are in need it feels perhaps stupid to try to offer help so somone, but when you come from need and want, you will never get what you need or want. Instead if you come from giving and helping others, you will get what you need and want in abundance. I call this #MyGive4 and it's what I preach at all of my events for The Art of Active Networking and how I try to live my best life.
I do wish you success on your creative journey of making your ideas a reality. Please do call me with any questions, or to see if I can help anytime!
Mark E. Sackett 415-602-9500
Tickets and Vendor Tables to all of my events are at: http://www.TheArtofActiveNetworking.com
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