I first started to show signs of the writing bug when I was about 5. It's hard to tell with any precision because my childhood memories have long become dissociated with dates.
Since then I often find myself writing. For instance, in chats. You have to, right?
There have been, of course, more thrilling ventures, like making a living being a technical writer, ghostwriting action books, writing fiction, translating both fiction and technical books, and in general being all the things wordsmiths are scolded for (too numerous to list here, but I assure you it gets emotional.)
But to cut to the chase and because this should probably be about film, let me just mention that writing for the screen is my current route and it is proving to be rather scenic so far.
Unique traits: Know my way around letters and words.
The Fastest Man In The World (co-written with Norith Soth) Sports ⋄ Biography ⋄ Drama Biopic of a legendary sprint coach, Charlie Francis, who coaches a young sprinter, Ben Johnson, to the highest glory and greatest disaster in Olympic history.