Union Affiliation: None
Stats: Hair: Blonde; Eyes: Brown; Height 5’10”; Size 6 (34-24-36)
Iron River Mother University of Michigan Student Film
Politics as Usual Governor Shawn Woodward & Charrise Walker
Low Winter Sun Court Room ABC Series
Untitled Tornado Project Runner Warner Bros.
Have a Little Faith News Reporter Mitch Albom, Producer, ABC Network
Detroit 187 Market Shopper ABC Television
Real Steel (Hugh Jackman) Fight Fan DreamWorks Pictures, Los Angeles, CA
Trust Shopper Trust, L.L.C., (Director David Schwimmer)
Game of Death (Wesley Snipes) Office Worker Game of Death Productions, L.L.C.
Master Class (Faye Dunaway) Hippie Master Class, L.L.C
The Butterfly Effect: Revelation Stalked Wife/M.D. Flashback Films, L.L.C.
Repo Max Testimonial ABC, Inc. Radio & Television 2/2013
Cloud Nine Acaiberry Testimonial (Internet) ABC, Inc., Radio & Television
Federal Express/Super Bowl Spectator Joe Louis Area (Affiliated Models)
J.D. Robinson Furniture Speaking Shopper Taylor, MI (Michael Jeffries Agency)
Meijer Stores Training Film Bond Street Studios, Pontiac, MI
Saffron Billiards Shopper Michael Jeffries Modeling Agency
Gardner White Furniture Shopper Michael Jeffries Modeling Agency
New York Carpet World Shopper 5 commercials (Michael Jeffries Agency)
Improv Night 07/19/2010 Lead Performer Go Comedy Nightclub, Ferndale, MI
Improv Night 04/15/2010;
02/15/2010; 12/09/2009 Lead Performer Dramatic Arts Studio of Michigan
Deadwood Dick Pong Ping St. Clair Shores Community Players
Lysistrata Greek Army Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Enemy of the People Hedvig Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Lilliom Harlot Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Opera Show Performer Singer Center for Creative Studies Auditorium
Mae West New Year’s Eve MGM Grand Casino, Detroit, MI
Belly Dance Show Lead Performer Children’s Hospital of MI Charity Event
Film The Pickle Recipe
Bachelor of Arts Political Science Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Associates Degree Drama Macomb Community College, MI
Communication Program In Progress Macomb Community College, MI
John Robert Powers Modeling Commercials Graduate, Southfield, MI
Improv Tools Level 2 Go Comedy Improv Academy, Ferndale, MI
Improv Level 1-4 D.A.S. with Pat Caporuscio & Mike Lomas
Film Method Acting Levels 1-3 & advanced Dramatic Arts Studio of MI Chris Bondy
Dance Jazz, Tap Ann Parsley School of Dance
SPECIALS SKILLS: Substitute Teacher, Product Demonstrator , Lingerie/Bikini Model, Participant in Ujena Bikini Jams in Mexico 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011; weight training; biking; skilled with hair & make-up; extensive wardrobe and wigs..