I have two young boys who loves acting. We're thinking of moving to LA/Hollywood to get them involved there, any advice would be appreciated.
I have two young boys who loves acting. We're thinking of moving to LA/Hollywood to get them involved there, any advice would be appreciated.
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Keep them as far away from hollywood as possible.
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If they love acting, get them involved in local theatre acting workshops or children's productions. They will learn so much, discipline, team work, dependability, rigorous rehearsals, and if they love acting they will have fun doing it.
Thanks Ami. My boys are doing that already here in NJ. Ken, can you elaborate on what you posted?
Keep doing what you're doing in NJ. In hollywood, many people won't admit it, but there's a lot of pedophiles in the industry. That's what I mean. If I was in your situation I would want to know about it before making the big move.
How is it different from everywhere else?
Hollywood is LITTERED with them. Lots of occult practices also, it's why I left long ago I don't buy into all that crap. No place for children. Email me privately if you want to continue this.
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If they are serious about acting, getting an agent in NY (since you are in NJ) that also has an office in LA is a good idea. My son was repped by http://www.cesdtalent.com/ when he was young and we lived on the East Coast. We did lots of video auditions that went to LA. And if your agent can land him some auditions during pilot season, you can make a trip out there for a few months. But unless your child gets a regular acting role, I would say it would be VERY difficult to move out there - and rely on acting as a sole income - and without an agent practically impossible. If you have an unlimited income somewhere else - not reliant on that, then you will still need an agent.
Kudos Ken! Finally some honesty about Hollywood.
OK I'm kinda worried now. Are there any references to this I can look up?
Most anyone who's worked in Hollywood at length knows. Here's Corey Feldman about his experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roW238dfUUk
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I totally agree with both of Ami's comments. As she pointed out, getting an agent in NY (since you are in NJ) that also has an office in LA is a good idea because if you decide to move out to LA, the last thing you and your boys need to be looking for is a reputable talent agent, which is hard for people to get when they first move out to LA. The agency Ami's son was with, CESD http://www.cesdtalent.com/ is a reputable agency. Also, another thing Ami pointed out which she hit right on the money is that, " it would be VERY difficult to move out there - and rely on acting as a sole income - and without an agent practically impossible. If you have an unlimited income somewhere else - not reliant on that, then you will still need an agent." I've been in LA for 16 yrs and I have yet to quit my day job as a substitute teacher even though I am recurring on a hit tv show! I'm currently working on getting my Master's in Special Education. LA is an expensive city. You also have to consider the school district in Los Angeles, Burbank, and Studio City! Speaking only for Los Angeles, California's Los Angeles Unified School District contains 197 high schools. The LA school district ONLY contains 43 schools that received gold, silver or bronze medals in the U.S. News Best High Schools rankings. Unfortunately not high numbers. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/california/districts/l... So with all that said, if you and your boys can get the experience of taking acting classes, going to auditions, getting meetings, and finding representation that is on the east and west coast like CESD before you decide to make the move to the west coast, you will be better prepared for LA. Remember, the goal is longevity!
Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I've asked a few other forums about pedophilia in Hollywood and got absolutely get no responses at all. It seems that no one is willing to even talk about it, or mention it except here. So thanks Ken for bringing it to my attention. I will definitely look more into this myself.
Like I said, many people won't even acknowledge it exists let alone talk about it. It's a darker side of Hollywood, more so than the casting couch. Not many is going to come forward to say who did what to them, and by which agency, especially on the internet! There are career, reputation, and legal considerations. There are also many you'll find in the industry who've never heard or experience any of this, that is until they do one day.
Having a good agent is KEY when going on casting calls. I don't think shady characters will be going through big agencies and reputable casting agents. I would avoid the cattle calls or craig's list casting notices - and take obvious precautions. Kids are vulnerable anywhere - not just Hollywood. Do your research and see if your agent can put you in touch with other "moms" that have made the move to LA. A good agent would do that if you are seriously considering it. I think a "test trip" to meet with agents could prove enlightening or at least give you a good idea of what to expect before you up and move. Good luck and all the best.
Which 'Big' agency did Corey Feldman belonged to? Your remark about "NO shady characters will be going through big agencies" is absurd. We're talking about pedophiles here, can you tell what a pedophile look like? If you have no personal knowledge or experience regarding this particular issue, then you should just leave it at that, trying to convince a mother otherwise is dangerous and irresponsible.
That's good advice and testimony Ami. I'm glad this thread came up here for other parents see. I can confirm what Ken said from my own personal knowledge of many, many people who've been abused as a child in Hollywood by some very big names, and some of these children are big name actors today as well. The children are not just molested, but it's done in a very occult, ritualistic way, but that's another whole can of worms.
This is all very informative and helpful. I'm absolutely serious about pursuing my son's acting so the more information, experiences, and advice anyone here can give me will be much appreciated.
I'm into my 27th year in the industry, and I would like to add that pedo rings (& SRA) in Hollywood goes on today more than ever, and yes from within the studios.
What's SRA?
Satanic Ritual Abuse. It's occult crap, don't ask me why people do this I don't know.
This takes place in the studios?
I think there are a few LAPD or Ex LAPD members here on 32, I suggest you contact them regarding this issue. They should hopefully give you the rundown off the record.
It's the party after the party on private estates, mansions. Saw one ritual once, didn't witness anything illegal but it was definitely a satanic ritual of sorts around a small Baphomet idol. I would have taken a pic but all phones/gadgets were checked at the door. Famous people were there. I'm not going to open myself up for a defamation lawsuit here, for your information purpose only. It's absolutely amazing we don't hear more of this on the news.
stay professional network. The less you have to fork over the better - usually.
These are professional actors, managers and tv host. Read previous comments.
An actor friend from London tells me the casting couch is a myth and doesn't really happen in the industry.
That's very naive of your friend. I can't speak about the entertainment industry in London except for BBC's Jimmy Savile: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-28034427 http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/370439/Jimmy-Savile-was-part-of-satanic... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9628780/Jimmy-... http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/27/how-bbc-sta... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9620223/Jimmy-... , but the casting couch is definitely not a myth in Hollywood. There's no need to be fearful about the film industry at all, but there's no need to be dishonest about it either. I wouldn't pay much attention to people who sweep this under the rug, or deny the existence of such practices, the evidence are plenty. Read Susan Sarandon and Gwyneth Paltrow: http://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/entertainment/12-celebriti...
I remember the Savile case in UK. People who voiced concerns and victims were scoffed at and ignored by the industry, media and police for decades. Also members of parliament was involved as well so the whole thing was covered up and hundreds of kids were abused.
You'd think more actors would come forward.
I personally know no less than 7, yes 7 people that have been victims. The reasons I hear are fears that no one would believe them, being stigmatized and not getting work.
Are there specific organizations that protect actors, or advices actors on this?
Not that I know of. This is a problem that has yet to be addressed in Hollywood. Like I said, people don't want to talk about it.
http://www.bizparentz.org/ is a non-profit child actors’ advocacy group.
Ami, I know you're trying to help but these organizations do nothing to expose the specific ritualistic abuse we've been talking about here. It's not that the industry doesn't know about it, it does and does nothing about it or even acknowledge it. This is a far bigger problem than Jerry Sandusky, which Penn State completely covered up for years and years. I've lived in LA for nearly 16 years and I tell you these 'parties' happen ALL the time. The shocking thing is how much of it goes on.
Some years ago I worked on a project with people from the BBC, most everybody knew what Jimmy Savile was doing. It was covered up from the top down. Savile and other celebrities would dress in robes and perform satanic ritualistic abuses on young kids in the basement of NHS hospitals. This went on for decades unhindered and ignored by authorities. Jimmy Savile was extremely close to the royal family, prince Philip, prince Charles and members of parliament who have also been implicated. These facts finally came out in the papers after Savile's death but by then around 500 children have been abused. It's all documented facts. Naturally when all this came out there were tons of investigations and reports made but not one mention of the royals anywhere. Jimmy Savile was known as a 'procurer of children' for the elites along with pal Ralph Harris who was only recently jailed June of this year.
What happened to members of Parliament?
Nothing. I think 10 of them are still in office now.
I was responding to Kim's question about organizations that protect actors (kids). And the one I mentioned was vital in getting the ruling past about sex offenders in CA. This was copied directly from the Corey Feldman article. "One change between then and now, however, is new legislation making it illegal for registered sex offenders to work with children in the entertainment industry. BizParentz, SAG-AFTRA, the Association of Talent Agents, and the MPAA worked together to pass bill AB1660 in California." So I DO think they are doing things about it, and their website is still very active, and I'm sure there is some good info on there for Kim to read.
""It also serves a preventative purpose as it requires fingerprints for anyone working with children in Hollywood, just as is done for school teachers, day care providers and sports coaches in California," Henry said.
And HERE is the SIMPLE ANSWER TO IT ALL: "The biggest safety insurance is simple that parents must be with their children. Always. Every time. In California, it is the law that parents be within sight and sound of their child while they are working," she said. "Unfortunately, all states do not have this as a law. Outside of the set itself, in venues like acting class and management meetings, parents still need to recognize that they can't ever leave."
It would be ideal if the parents themselves are with the child at all times, but that isn't always the case on a production or a 3 week feature film shoot. Usually there'll be a guardian in place, but I can tell you in the case of what happened in the UK everybody was involved. The BBC, 7 national newspaper, Met Police and even Scotland Yard ignored reports and were essentially protecting Savile, Harris and the rich and powerful. It was a huge cover up that included so many people and it went on for decades. Finally Miles Goslett and two newsnight journalists were brave enough go against the establishment and broke the story. At some of the 28 NHS hospitals, they even had a 'special room' in the basement of the public hospital for these high profile people to abuse patients and perform their rituals. Also these satanists practice Necrophilia in the hospitals. I know it sounds incredible but a quick search of the Guardian, Independent and Telegraph paper will show all the facts or I can send you the links. This level of corruption and elaborate pedophile rings is not unique to the UK.
Ami, I think we're confusing some issues here. I'm well aware there are laws and guidelines in place. I was referring more to the abuses occurring at the parties, after parties, pool parties where the drinks are spiked that these ritualistic molestation takes place. And not all are little kiddies, many are teenagers anywhere from 13 up to 17 and beyond who attend these parties, and they don't bring their parents with them. The legal age of consent in California is 18 so it's rape and a crime anyway you cut it.
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i think everyone is going too far with these scenarios. I don't care what you say, I have worked the sets Before and u should not be partying with weirdos afterwards, just go to work with the agency that booked you then go home, there is no sex unless it is in the gig or defined in the script and we are talking About children. stop spamming me everyone's view point on this matter Get booked, go home. No hob bobbing with the kids, they have no need to politic. If they want you, they will book u without the partying. everyone is working 14 hours a day. U DONT KNOW WhAT u are talking about if u say that practice has a place in Hollywood. IT DONT> Serious Business hard work ONLY. OR U ARE NOT AFFILIATED> MOLESTERS are MURDERED> BEAT DOWN We Will call the COPS...hard work in LA. NO EXCEPTIONS.
That was the problem, the children and families did call the cops repeatedly. They were shunned by the authorities, ignored by the BBC, industry and press. These families were ignored for decades and basically told to shut up. Nobody wanted to hear about it as a result, if I'm not mistaken, 500 children were abused over the years it's a fact. I think you misunderstood Jake, he's saying this should not be allowed to happen in Hollywood and it's an issue that shouldn't be ignored.
Dear Damian. These are NOT 'scenarios' as you put it, but it's reality. We here in the UK, now know full well of these abuses of minors in the industry, unfortunately not after so many children have fallen victim. This is a serious and legitimate problem that needs attention. If you're not willing to be part of the solution please don't be part of the problem. I would encourage you to do some research before making false statements.
Ami I really don't mind. I'm not afraid or deter from the film business in any way, in fact, I find all this is all very educational. So far there have been only 2 persons from LA that have given some insight, I wouldn't mind hearing more.
Justin, you seem to know a lot. Do you have any personal insight?
To imply since these children were victims of the British Film Industry and not Hollywood so it's irrelevant to talk about them is thoroughly offensive. Let us never stop remembering these crimes for there is nothing more important than our children and their safety.
To answer your question Kim. I've been doing mainly documentaries the past 5 years in Europe. My dad was a documentary filmmaker for the BBC. My friend worked with Yorkshire TV to make a documentary in the US regarding 'The Franklin Cover Up' based on the book by US legislator John DeCamp of Nebraska. That documentary is an amazing expose about the Satanic Ritual Abuses occurring all over the US and including Hollywood. Their investigation into pedophile rings and prostitution rings led all the way to the White House during Regan/Bush administration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehleJE5evBI http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Franklin-Cover-Up-John-DeCamp/dp/0963215809/... The documentary was due to air on Discovery Channel when it was pulled last minute by a US senator in DC. This documentary is now banned in the US. As far as I know, no US network has shed any light on this since.
Are you working on a documentary about this?
Justin, where would I be able to watch this documentary.
Chris - I'm sorry you can't. A US senator and other unknown party bought the rights to the film and had every single copy destroyed as far as I know. It may be that Yorkshire TV and the film crew have copies, but I have no knowledge of that you'll need to contact them directly. But you can buy the book in UK. Kim - No I'm not working on this subject but something just as bad. We're filming a one hr doc about child sex trafficking from Haiti to New York, specifically upstate New York. It's loosely based on a Rolling Stone Article and an ABC piece by Dan Harris in 2008: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/buy-child-10-hours/story?id=5326508 I'm just the focus puller on the job.
What were the revelations of the Franklin documentary?
Chris you're asking me all the hard questions! It contains revelations about how the CIA runs the entire drug trafficking into the US, and still do. The money is used to fund black projects one of them being satanic pedophile rings all over America. The CIA ran a 'child protection' front organization in DC called 'The Finder' which provided high profile clients in Congress and the White House with young children. The damning thing about the film is all the declassified documents obtained through FOIA requests that clearly shows government complicity and cover ups. Currently there's a movie out here about the CIA/US government drug racket called 'Kill The Messenger' staring Jeremy Renner who portrays Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb. Gary Webb committed suicide in 2004 by shooting himself in the head TWICE.
Oceanna, bring on in, but... It's no yellow brick road. I've been here three years and it's touch on the family. I just turned 14 and my mom has given up everything to be my support. We live in a small 2 bedroom apt. that costs us 1,021 a month. We live in San B because if we lived closer that tiny apt would cost us about 1,800 a month. Add gas, costumes, pictures, having to be able to go to an audition at the drop of a hat, disappointment and stage moms and dads, it's tough. Yes it can be done. I'm still here, but my moms job is me. We really haven't made any real money yet. a hundred here fifty there. The average actor in the CA makes 273 a YEAR acting! That's a reality. Most actors have another job or are on welfare.Unless your kids REALLY are talented and not just cute. You have a lot of money put aside for this adventure. Think you're going to become a star in a couple months. Then stay away!!! This is a hard life. If it's your kids dream, go for it. Just don't destroy them if they don't get a big break and just end up being great kids.
I would say let your children have a happy childhood and get some life experience before handing them over to Hollywood. Unless you have some amazingly well balanced children...and you plan on being a full-time stage mother or father...
Thanks Keefer & Colette. I think we'll pursue their acting here in New York for few more years to see how things go. Thanks Ken for the bookings and connect, this is an amazing site.
Justin I just saw Kill The Messenger. Wow!
I was expecting another whitewash, but it was amazingly factual. Never thought anyone in Hollywood had the balls.
Last month CIA admitted it targeted Gary Webb. Conspired together with LA Times, Washington Post and others to discredit him as reported by Glenn Greenwald's The Intercept. As a result of CIA drug trafficking into US thousands of Americans died. People can't comprehend government killing it's own citizens, but one only needs to look at history and facts.
If you go to LA for Pilot Season, definitely do some study at Gray Studios in North Hollywood. They know how to get you cast.
Thanks. We're deciding to stay and pursue acting in New York. Ken Koh has kindly got my sons booked on their first commercial, and recommended an excellent agent.
Take acting classes y check out all acting schools. Supervise kids always and at auditions. Read scripts. Etiquette for kids important. Be easy to work with and cooperative. Safety. Hours: check if teacher needed, etc. Read sag rules re kids. etc. Best wishes.
Unfortunately I think Amy Berg's new Film 'An Open Secret' will be killed or ignored as is the attitude in Hollywood: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hollywood-sex-abuse-film-revealed-...
I would recommend that you get in touch with Shirley Grant Talent Management. She has been in the business for years and can give you some good advice. NY area. Read all the fine print of your child's contracts and ask questions of people in the know. Many blessings!
Get them really good training that's the best advice I could give to any actor.
I am so glad Harvey Weistein has been exposed. Now, let's hope the satanism and pedophilia comes out finally.
You live just across the Hudson from NYC. If they can't get a career started in NYC, moving to LA isn't going to change things.
To protect your child, start by informing yourself on what goes on in Hollywood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwi9Yt_D844
Ken Koh and others....this is a 3 year old zombie thread.
This is happening now. What's your point?
Justin Lim, present current information in a new thread, that's what.
This is current information. Do what you want don't tell me what to do. GOT IT!
JD Hartman, you yourself were on this thread 1 week ago?
Chris, yup, got snared by this zombie thread.
Justin, meaningless words...
JD Hartman still Here? Is there a reason why you want to shut me down? Remember this: Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/antony-kidman-dies-am...
Justin, you insinuating some kind of threat?
JD Hartman - WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME? I'm posting facts about Pedophiles in the industry, you insist on being smug in your comments for no apparent reason.
Guys this is getting ulgy - JD Hartman, I understand this is an old thread, it gets confusing because it shows up at the top. I think that's your angle if I am not mistaken. Justin, thank you for posting but I think you can see what JD means. Guys please it's pointless, we're not here for this and not the topic of the post. JD Hartman, perhaps you can suggest to Stage32 about this issue and they can fix it?
Ken, I also didn't realize how old this thread is. However, the topic is still current. From smug comments to now accusing me of threatening him? I have no clue where he is coming from.
I think it's a simple misunderstanding and I can see what JD Hartman's point is about the old thread, and I see your conviction Justin in exposing what goes on. Just a misunderstanding and may I humbly suggest both of you, Justin and JD continue to post whatever you want but independent of each other and do not include each other in your post from now on. Thank you both for engaging.