Introduce Yourself : I'ma noob. by Joseph R. Davis

Joseph R. Davis

I'ma noob.

Hello everyone! I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself to the Stage 32 community. I have some videos and some photos on my profile. I specialize in comedy and music videos. So ,like, go check em out and leave me some hate mail. Thanks! -Joseph (PROco PROduction coMPANY)

Amanda Toney

Great to have you in the community, Joseph! I look forward to your posts in the lounge :)

Violette Soleil

I will check them out! Welcome to Stage 32

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Noobs always welcome Joseph! Glad you're part of the community. As a noob, I'd highly recommend watching some On Stage with RBs - they're really helpful and they're FREE :) The first one ever is a really good overview of the site that will walk you through it!

Joseph R. Davis

Thanks everyone!

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