Introduce Yourself : Anyone going to the London Screenwriters Festival? by Alex Davies

Alex Davies

Anyone going to the London Screenwriters Festival?

Hi, my name's Alex and I'm a screenwriter and editor... I've been a member here for a while but never seem to find the time to network properly. I was wondering if any fellow Stage 32'ers are going to the London Screenwriting Festival next weekend. What are you looking forward to, and what do you hope to gain from it? And do you want to meet for a drink?!

Julian London

Hi Alex, i am considering going!

Sade Adeniran

Hi Alex, I was thinking about it, but haven't made up my mind. :-) If I do, we can def meet for drinks and a chat.

C. D-Broughton

It's always nice to meet fellow writers face-to-face and chat about films and the craft, but I spend my time between London and Scandinavia, and won't be about next weekend.

Danielle Wager

Hi Alex. Looking forward to it! I'll be there all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday as will quite a few of us from Cambridge Writer's group I told you about. Feel free to say hi or send me a friend request on LSF connect.

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