Composing : Seeking composers for science fiction/ thriller television & audio series by Kirk Johnson

Kirk Johnson

Seeking composers for science fiction/ thriller television & audio series

We're looking to add more composers from around the globe to join our talented team for scoring of a live action science fiction television series and audio series. You can check it out at - We're looking for creativity and diversity of styles as we will be addressing many different alien environments in these two series. The television series "Inter Galactic Space Rangers" is a 50's style live action sci fi series in development and our audio series "Doorways & Dimensions" which is basically Twilight Zone meets Tales from the Crypt, is being produced right now and we will be launching our first episode November 30th. If you're interested in joining up let me know. Thanks!

Kirk Johnson

Hi there! Thanks for getting in touch, we are filled up for the moment, but when another spot opens up we'll let you know. Thanks!

Kirk Johnson

Forgot to mention awesome demo, would be great to work with you when we're able :)

Lisa Marie Pipkin

Hi Kirk, this looks and sounds like an awesome project! are all your composition spots taken? Kind regards Lisa Marie Pipkin

BlindººCoyote (Drem Bruinsma)

Hi Kirk, if you are still looking, pls. check out some of my back catalogue at I'm checking the intergalactic space rangers site right now. Best regards, drem bruinsma blindººcoyote

Kirk Johnson

Hi Lisa! They are filled for the moment, but as we get further into the project more spots will be opening up. Please send samples of your work to so we can see what you can do. Thanks!

Kirk Johnson

Hi Jim! Impressive resume to say the least :) Could you drop me a note at so we can discuss this further. Thanks

Samuel Estes

Looks like a great project Kirk! Would be a lot of fun, I am sure! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Big Sci-Fi nut, so really looking forward to seeing this!

Kirk Johnson

Thanks Samuel, this is going to be a big hitter when it happens :)

Alistair Melville

Hi Kirk would love to help out if I can with this project. You are welcome to have a listen at some of my work on soundcloud.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Alistair! Gorgeous music! I love it, great stuff you have there. Do you do other styles of music? The songs you have listed there sound great but would not fit with the sci-fi genre.

Xiabram Marbaix

Hello id be very interested in composing for this sort of genre. you can listen to some of my work on soundcloud. here is the link .

Dave Fritz

Hi Kirk. Sounds like a cool project you've got. I'm not sure I've got the type of music that will fit your current project but you can hear my solo guitar work on Pandora. Search "Dave Fritz". I'll keep your genre in mind for future compositions. Thanks.

Alistair Melville

Hi Kirk will try my best to compose some Sci-fi genre music for you in the next couple of weeks, I'll let you know when its up on my soundcloud page! Thank you for the lovely feedback on my music that is on there at the moment. Best wishes with this project and hope I can help.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Dave! yeah, it's not a fit for our project, but it is some great guitar music :)

Kirk Johnson

Hi Alistair, looking forward to see what you come up with :)

Chris Boardman

Can I share this with my film scoring students?

Kirk Johnson

Sure, go ahead.

John Tinger

Is it too late? I would love to ad a guitar score!?

John Tinger

I can compose very quickly, any mood ,atmosphere, time and place you need!

Kirk Johnson

Hi John if you would drop me a line at with any other samples of your work to review, that would be great. Thanks.

James Holzrichter

Well I am always looking for work.

John Tinger

sure thing Kirk!!!!

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