Introduce Yourself : Introducing Myself by Jason T. Gaffney

Jason T. Gaffney

Introducing Myself

Hello everyone! Just got introduced to this site and so far I am loving it. Looking forward to meeting tons of people and reading all the great blog posts from others in the industry. I'm also really looking forward to watching/participating in some of the webinars on this site. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should do first on this site as I am still new to it? Thanks! Jason T. Gaffney

Nuala Bull

Hi Jason, I'd firstly recommend having a read of other peoples projects & expanding your network. There are some very talented, friendly people and we're all sailing the same ship. Enjoy yourself & get your projects up on here for people to see. Kind Regards. Nu

Phil Parker

Welcome Jason! Stage 32 is kinda what you make of it. Just like anything worth knowing about, you have to get into it and look around. Check out the Lounge. Read some of the topics and posts, add people to your network, participate in the discussions, encourage others, and go to a local meet up of Stage 32 in your area. If there isn't one, be bold and host it yourself once you're comfortable here. That's what I'm doing in Sydney on Nov 8th. Don't expect too much at first though. I introduced myself in the Lounge and no one said hello :-( ... People will get to know you as you participate more and you will get more out of it. Definitely look into the seminars and pitching opportunities here. Good luck!

Jason T. Gaffney

Thanks all for the great advice! I'm gonna take a look at all that stuff now.

Amanda Toney

Welcome to Stage 32 Jason! I love that you're diving right in- it's the best way to do it! My advice for getting your bearings on the site is to read through the getting started section under help ( It will tell you how to navigate the site plus the best ways to network and really utilize all that this site has to offer. I also recommend watching On Stage with RB ( It's free and he goes over how to use the site for the most benefit, as well as things going on currently in the industry. As you mentioned, the blogs, webinars and classes are all really great and a wonderful place to learn. I'm also here if you have any questions or need any advice. Best of luck to you :)

Shari D. Frost

Welcome, Jason!

Jason T. Gaffney

Thank you Shannon and Shari!

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