Hey everyone! I just released my own web series and I'm wondering about web series festivals and film festivals that take web content. Does anyone have any recommendations of good ones to submit to? Or can anyone point me in the direction to where can I find a list of these? Thanks in advance! Jason T. Gaffney
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Hi Jason the OWTFF as a web series category www.owtff.com Take care
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Thanks guys! I'm going to look into those now!
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You welcome Jason
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Austin Web Fest, Miami Web Fest, ATL Web Fest, NYC Web Fest, and LA Web Fest just to name a few
don't do LA Web Fest - it is truly awful in every way. I would recommend Hollyweb instead, super nice people
I'm Darrell Shanks the Head of East Coast Programming for EMN the global television network. My job is to find short films, shows, Web series, movies, cartoons and plays to televise. Inbox me if interested or email me at Dshanks76@comcast.net
Thank you for the mention, Sally Hassan. Jason, I'm the Chief Information Officer for Austin Web Fest. We are currently accepting submission during our Early Bat period which ends December 15th. (Bats are part of our theme as Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge is home to the largest colony of Mexican Free-Tail bats under a man-made structure. Our award is called The Batty.) Prices go up after that. Check us out at http://austinwebfestival.com/
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https://www.withoutabox.com has all the listings for festivals.
Austin Web Fest opted not to list with "withoutabox" or any other festival-centric site as they charge a fee to list (a percentage of your revenue, iirc), which was higher than we were comfortable with.
Thanks for the link to withoutabox Cheryl!