Introduce Yourself : Sound design and Sound FX for motion picture by Kostas Loukovikas

Kostas Loukovikas

Sound design and Sound FX for motion picture

Hi everyone! Happy to join you all here on Stage 32. My name is Kostas, sound designer, recordist & creative director at Sound Ex Machina, an independed studio producing sound FX for motion picture and audiovisual projects. Hope you find it useful and we'd greatly appreciate your feedback. We are taking everything into account for our next libraries, which are coming soon. Cheers:)

Jack Ritter

Welcome to Stage 32. We're glad to have you!

Kostas Loukovikas

My pleasure :)

Dawn Gonchar

Hi Kostas - glad you decided to join us!

Kostas Loukovikas

Hi Dawn - Thanks for your warm welcome!

Kostas Loukovikas

Thanks Johan!

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