Hey there! My name is Brian, and I'm a southern boy (without the accent) and a recent transplant from Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles. My background consists of both full length and short independent films, comedy sketches, and some theater. If you're looking for a "boy next door" type, I'm definitely your guy, but I also have other qualities. I'm just looking to meet and network with anyone in the industry, be it actor, director, writer, production assistant, etc.
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Brian, welcome to LA! I've been here for just over 3 years myself, a transplant from the Washington, DC area, and from Long Island originally. I've been involved with 2 networking groups here, the Table and We Make Movies, which you might be interested in, if you haven't heard of them.
Hey Larry! I have heard of the Table, which I want to but have yet to check out. What's 'We Make Movies' about?
Born on May 09 1961, Varna city, Bulgaria +359 52 645 885 Master in Politology +359 888 650 160 An author of political analysis related to conflicts between state and public groups. • Year 2000 - Public project: „Scientific research through politological analysis of crises and conflicts in the local self-government”; • Year 2000 - Public Project related to the Ecology and Environmental Protection: „The wave”; • Year 2001 „Charter of Conducting Negotiations and Coalition of Political Parties under (art. 27.)”; • Year 2005 - the first series after the Bulgarian tale of Hitar Petar (Sly Peter) „Special Story” (comedy in oriental style that reveals the life of the Bulgarians living within the territory of the Ottoman Empire) were written; • Year 2006 - the script of the full movie „Liberation” part one (science fiction revealing the immense human potentialities in a state of a war and existence with three different civilizations and cultures) was written; • Year 2007 - the script of the full movie „One Against Another” (historical drama that takes place in the time of the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria was within its territorial borders) was written; • Year 2008 - the first short scripts of the movies: „Thought and Reality” and „From Both Sides of the Wall” (revealing the problems of the young people in a time of a world crisis as well as the necessity of psychological adjustments and thinking of their survival) were written; • Year 2008 - the script of the full movie „The Garage” (based on a true story that takes place during the Second World War in USA and telling how a man makes some of the best dud US Dollar banknotes); • Year 2009 - the script of the TV Series „ In a Warm place at Uncle Kancho” (in three episodes – comedy that tells of a retired man facing the problems of his daily life with exceptional inventiveness) was written; • Year 2009 – the script of the full movie Soul’s Sin (a crime action) was written. SCENARIO ANNOTATION OF THE FULL-LENGTH MOVIE „LIBERATION” PART ІІ ”THE BATTLE” In part ІІ of the scenario of „Liberation” – „The battle” it is narrated about the idea of the counsellor of the King of planet Kok - Oki. This totally changes the direction of their future trip. Both of them settle on planet Earth by transforming their ship to a private hospital. The commander from planet Zayna is given the task to enter into a peace treaty with representatives from planet Mug and inspect the institute of military innovations. The Tyrant of Mug seemingly agrees, but orders the commander’s ship to be destroyed and the planet Zayna burned with the new weapon. On planet Earth, the King of Kok and his counsellor enjoy an unseen success and reputation. Stanley and Maria travel to James in the USA in order a complex and important operation of heart transplantation to be made. An accidental fishing outing from the two friends near “К§О” hospital, reveals its real nature. James comes into an open conflict with his brother David who is a chairman of ”К§О” political movement. A police investigation for James and Stanley is started. Both are reported mentally sick. The commander from Zayna is taken down to the frozen moon Ineya, but despite that he repairs the damages to the ship and takes off. He and the lieutenant are set for to kidnap one of the best scientists of Mug – Dr. Ho. The secret of the new is a serious challenge and on Zyana, a hectic preparation of a war is under way. The battle squadrons of Mug are also preparing for the forthcoming battle. The federal agent, captain Smith stands on the side of James and Stanley. He manages to get away from a police chase. The King of Kok and Oki, have already been controlling the psychic and mental processes of people when they are gathered in larger groups. The King of Kok swears allegiance and support to the Tyrant of Mug in he forthcoming battle. It will be a battle for the life in Earth. This is the purpose of two great civilizations. Stanley, Smith and James enter the hospital during the air battle between the squadrons of Zayna and Mug’s squadrons are supported by NATO Air Force interceptors. David and the Mayor see he truth for the “К§О” hospital. The interceptors open friendly fire against the ships of Zayna. General Callahan, who issues this order, is arrested on the instance. The three of them, Stanley, Smith and James are caught and put on the hull of the ship (the “К§О” hospital) as а cannon-fodder. By some miracle they survive by falling into the water, saved with a rubber boat by the Stanley’s son, Stanley Junior, taken down minutes before by the King of Kok. The King and Oki manage to get away with a small battle ship. On their way they take the Tyrant of Mug who was blown up by the commander and the former catapults with a capsule in space near the Earth. The Tyrant of Mug, the King of Mug and the counsellor Oki continue to travel and dream of victories in the infinite Universe. The scenario addresses all social and age groups. Its contents consist of 70 scenes in 76 pages - А4 or a computer word count of 81,6 pages. All rights reserved! Author: Lyudmil Nolev Contact: Lyudmil Nolev +36952645885 +359888650160 lmn_lava@abv.bg lubo.nolev@gmail.com Varna city Bulgaria
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Welcome to Stage 32 Brian - I'm sure you will make great connections here. This is a wonderful group of supportive people!