Stage 32 notwithstanding, the amount of posts and offers and instruction blogs and contests and conferences and podcasts and costly analytics and cover for those wishing to get into the film industry, especially as writers, thatin reality might honor one project out of a thousand, if that, from anyone who is not already in one of the inner circles and locales of the business, is an appalling literary snake oil promise. My inbox over the last year or so, since I entered a few contests, has been invaded with screenwriting follies promising all kinds of avenues to success. This has become an industry preying on the near hopeless dreams of thousands, SELDOM EVER REVEALING THE RIDICULOUS ODDS THAT RULE WHETHER ONE CAN SUCCEED IN SUCH AN INDUSTRY AT ALL. That said, or ranted, there are those who are honest, and will tell aspirants from the outset, how tough a game this is. I wish there were more of this, so that writers can turn their attention to projects more likely to succeed. Stage 32 isn't really selling anything and it's a network of all the hopefuls who wish to navigate their way around the mysteries of the screenwriting and performing arts, so this site has merit. I'd love to see a blog or podcast on this subject, something that might serve to sober people up. Thanks for this opportunity.
Hey Ed. Try reading this article:
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Don't have a problem with Stage 32. I'm just tired of smoke and mirrors of screenwriting gurus selling me something with ridiculous promises. I've won several screenwriting awards and that's great, but they went nowhere. Contests and pitchfests are the worst culprits at making shady promises that MIGHT IN THE VERY best circumstances, lead to some attention, which in turn might lead to an option, which in turn might lead to potential funding, and on and on. All I'm saying is that those offering these sometimes costly services should be as honest and realistic as possible over their claims.