Just wanted to send out a huge thank you to Joey and everyone at Happy Writers. I didn't have the opportunity to attend the recent pitch session with Escape Artists VP Jenna Block, however, one of the readers for the New Blood Contest thought my script Devil's Shadow might be a good fit, and recommended it to Jenna. I'm thrilled to say, she requested the script! I was so happy just to get to the finals of the New Blood Contest, but I really didn't expect anything more to come of it. I'm so grateful that Happy Writers gave me this opportunity to get the script into the hands of a studio VP. Talk about going above and beyond!
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Huge Congrats Neil! All the best! :)
Thanks Shannon!
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That's Great!
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Neil, that's awesome. And welcome aboard!!
Thank you so much, everyone! It's great to be part of such a positive and supportive group.
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Hell to the yes! Congrats mate!
Thank you!
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Congrats Neil, above and beyond all right!
Thank you Suzanne! Hopefully, she'll like it.