Screenwriting : A Screenwriting Career by Jodie Gonzalez Jennings

Jodie Gonzalez Jennings

A Screenwriting Career

With SO many books, forums, blogs, email alerts, events ... out there information overload can become overwhelming for an aspiring screenwriter until I read *Lee Zahavi Jessup's Getting it Write: an Insider's Guide to a Screenwriting Career. This guide shoots straight from the hip. A no-nonsense insight into the requirements of a screenwriter which neatly ties them together. Which books, forums, blogs, etc gave you a clear picture of what is required of us career wanting screenwriters? *please note, I'm by no way affiliated with the author, publisher etc.

Eric Pagan

Lee is great! She was the person who told me about Stage 32.

Shawn Speake

For a clear picture of where I'm at in my journey and what is required of me, I get my specs covered by the pros. This clears clutter as I zone in on skills I need to improve. Then it's rinse and repeat.

Jodie Gonzalez Jennings

I agree Shawn Speake! I entered the Industry Insiders contest last year and was more than happy to pay that little bit extra for feedback.

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