Success Stories: DEC'21 Requested script

Barbara Albers Jackson

Requested script

Nikki Levy requested my animation script. I really enjoyed pitching to her. She is a delightful person. Several of my requested scripts have come back with a Pass. That didn't make my day, but that's OK. I remind myself that we are talking millions of dollars here for a script to be made. I didn't strike out - they caught my fly ball. I'm still hitting the ball and one of these times I will get on base and maybe even hit a home run. Thanks Stage 32 for allowing us from the forgotten corners of the earth to have a presence in Hollywood.

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific news, Barbara! Nikki is simply terrific. Extremely wise.

Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Barbara!

Barbara Albers Jackson

I appreciate thr support the Stage 32 writers have for each other.

Phil Parker

Congrats! It just takes one person at the one company to believe in it as much as you do right? Just like dating, or searching for a job - you gotta get the no to get the yes. Congrats on the yes!

Eric Pagan

Congratulations Barbara!

Barbara Albers Jackson

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. Philip, you are right. It only takes one person on your wave length to make it happen. What also propels me is the mediocre movies that get made. We know we can do better than those!

John Cruz Alarid

Nice Christmas present.

Janet Biery

Barbara you are still my inspiration. Congrats. Looking forward to next year.

Barbara Albers Jackson

John, I wish you the new year of your dreams.

Barbara Albers Jackson

Janet, I owe you a lot. You introduced me to Stage 32. Thanks. How are you coming along with your script?

Janet Biery

Have it parked while writing and polishing another western romance novel, Valley of Shadows. So encouraged by a couple of fans from earlier novels. Hope to write a script next. Will holler when I start

Varun Prabhu

Congratulations, Barbara

Barbara Albers Jackson

Thanks. Check out my

Maria Pretorius


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