Hi All, I am a stills photographer and cinematographer. I am looking to upgrade my camera system. I currently own a Canon 60D, and am looking to upgrade to a system which is both good for stills and video. Ideally I would like a full frame for stills and something that also has 4k video capability. I've been looking in to the new mirrorless camera systems, and was wandering if anyone had any suggestions or opinions on this matter?
No such camera currently in the marketplace. The GH4 can create some good 4K work in high light situations ( just did pickups for an EPIC-lensed feature with it; impressive ) but it's a weak still camera. Funny you mention 60D- I have retained 2 of those and they can do quite nicely for web-targeted interviews and photo shoots that do not go beyond a computer screen in size... I shot b-roll on a multi-cam broadcast shoot with one a mere 2 weeks ago. I rarely do any existing light work so the 5d MKIII is unnecessary. A note about 4k- almost nothing shot in 4K finishes in 4K. If you are targeting a UHD release, you are likely shooting on REDs or Alexa.
There is the a7s from Sony. Its low light capabilities beat anything on the market. Even RED. It doesn't shoot 4k internally, but it can if you attach an external recorder. Even so, the HD image is really sharp anyway, so if you cropped in for any reason, it wouldn't be that noticeable. It even has an aps-c mode. It is quite small so I would suggest rigging it at all times if you want handheld.
The a7s is great for motion, as long as nothing is moving. Worst rolling shutter yet. Try a lock off shot of dancers at 24 fps and you will be cured of it's attractive low light abilities.
Some great suggestions her for you Stephanie and the cautions about low light capability, rolling shutter are well-placed. You mention full frame for stills, but a lot of the mirrorless cameras are in the m4/3 format. It also might help to know what type of still or video work you want to produce to weed out the camera's that may not suit. The 60D is pretty capable. Where is it letting you down at the moment? Have you thought about the ML hacks?