Distribution : Coming to LA by Elena Aglaja Amadò

Elena Aglaja Amadò

Coming to LA

Hi all! I'm moving to LA for few months and I'm bringing with me my brand new short movie Carvina. Produced thanks to a crowdfunding in Switzerland and now ready to be seen! Anyone in LA to help me with local festivals and promotion? www.aglajaamado.com

Brian Gerson

Look at gather.us, it allows you to hold screenings at participating theaters by selling tickets.

Amanda Toney

Check out tugg.com

Elena Aglaja Amadò


Mike Repel

I would be interested in possibly distributing this film. Please look at my bio for some info on what I can do for you. Inbox me if you would like to discuss this further. Thanks Mike

Megan Peterson

submit to Jefferson State Flixx Fest in Northern California! https://filmfreeway.com/festival/JeffersonStateFlixxFestival

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