Success Stories: JAN'11 Script requested twice

Vesta Giles

Script requested twice

I've just had a script requested by Nikki Levy and recently had the same one requested by Vertigo. This is access I couldn't get anywhere else!

J.C. De La Torre

yay! Congrats!

Emma J Steele

Congratulations Vesta!

Shawn Speake

Yep, Yep! Congrats, Vesta!

Johannes Hummel

Wow Vesta Good luck...

Johannes Hummel

I'm looking for CoProducers of the 1st Dr. Jacqueline Bonde film "Susan's List"... are you at BERLINALE?

Vesta Giles

Ha, no, that would be nice though. I'm in Canada and planning to go skiing today. Good luck!

Maria Pretorius

That is great. Have a short script that I would like to get into the market. Would like to know who I can send it to.

Helena Ellison

Congrats Vesta!

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