I landed a role in a great found-footage story but want to know if anyone has that experience? Your wisdom, please? Any movies that would be good to study? (my film, if it helps to answer my ?: https://www.facebook.com/BrewHouseFilm)
I landed a role in a great found-footage story but want to know if anyone has that experience? Your wisdom, please? Any movies that would be good to study? (my film, if it helps to answer my ?: https://www.facebook.com/BrewHouseFilm)
I'm a writer/producer, not an actor, and I'm not sure that I have wisdom to offer but I do have the following experience. I helped raise the budget for a low budget 'found footage' horror film (someone else's script). What have I learned? In looking into the world of distribution, I learned that for some people who sell movies, FF has a somewhat tarnished reputation, apparently for two reasons. There are parts of the world in which people don't like the 'jiggly' camera shots of some FF films. And there have been FF films lately which have not done well financially. Regarding what films you might watch, I'd suggest looking for FF movies which have done well financially. In that context, I'd suggest 'REC', a Spanish film which apparently did well since it was remade as 'Quarantine'. You might also try a Wikipedia page titled 'Found Footage' for a longer list of such films. (Personally, I did not like 'Blair Witch' but it did make a lot of money.)