What's meant by the title is simple: The ONE thing we can ALL be sure of in the world is "Change". So the question arises: Are we changing the way we're approaching storytelling? Most are taking the same, comfortable direction that has been going on for decades. Meanwhile ticket sales are declining with the audience seeking to view content on their preferred platform when they CHOOSE to view it. Enter Transmedia. Engage an audience in unique ways; immerse them in a story world they WANT to BE part of; step from the familiar into the future. I seek those who appreciate change and seek to write, act, produce and collaborate. It IS the next horizon in the industry. "Why So Serious" demonstrated this as have other transmedia projects. The Art of Immersion, Engagement and creative storytelling awaits.
I am all in favor of creative storytelling and maximizing the structure of the internet. The printing press gave us the novel. Film too transformed storytelling. I don't think we are doing anything that really, truly, uses the internet as a proper format for a new kind of storytelling.
Troy.. the biggest issue is that MOST people don't truly understand Transmedia. This might help: http://goo.gl/YTFA0b That said, it goes FAR beyond use of the Internet. It's about the change from spectator to participant for the audience; making the experience FUN and immersive; delivering content on a variety of platforms with each having a specific 'job' within the context of the story world.. Yes, I said story WORLD. Think "Avatar", "Star Wars" or even "Batman" (Why So Serious). These are worlds that were created where an audience WANTS to be inside them.. engaging in story with characters.. exploring the known and the UNKnown..
Thought I'd add this video from some VERY forward thinking guys who are creating next gen storytelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXoNndQRX5c