Introduce Yourself : Writer of Thrillers by Robin Geesman

Writer of Thrillers

Hi ~ I write disturbing Psychological Thrillers. I like to keep my fingers on the pulse of the American psyche and breath life into depths of what keeps us up in the quiet of the night wondering ~ what if... I'm glad to have found Stage 32. I think I'm going to like it here very much. It is nice to have been invited to such a wonderous playground. How fun!

Amanda Toney

Welcome to the community, Robin! Since you're a writer, make sure to check out the Happy Writers. LOTS of great stuff there for screenwriters and authors. :)

Robin Geesman

Hi Shannon, Boomer! Shannon, Ihave discovered some of the wonderful things connected with Happy Writers. I've already pitched my Under Lock and Key Thriller. This is an awesome site! And Boomer, you are more than welcome to check out a thriller I've got that's been trending

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