Filmmaking / Directing : Hello everyone! by Serban Racoviteanu

Serban Racoviteanu

Hello everyone!

I'm a young and upcoming filmaker from Romania. It's my first time here and i really want to get to know you guys. It seems fun. I've got 5 short movies done so far and i really want you guys to checkk them out, give some feedback. The problem is i haven't any subtitles on them. I will post them soon here. Im really curious about what you guys think. To give you a short description on what are my movies like: they're black comedies, i empathize on dialogue and on unexpected plot-twists(or so i think they're unexpected, haha). Have a brilliant day! :D

Romulus Hotea

Buna Serban, Daca ai vreun proiect interesant, mi-ar face placere sa colaboram ;)

Serban Racoviteanu

Wow. Nu stiam ca mai sunt si romani:D

Romulus Hotea

Sincer cred ca nu suntem singurii... potential cu siguranta avem ;)

Serban Racoviteanu

You know it! Daca esti interesat, iti dau un link cu cateva din filmele mele:) Sa-ti faci o idee

Romulus Hotea

Sigur ca sunt interesat, trimite-mi link-ul te rog.

Serban Racoviteanu

Unul e comedie: Celalalt e drama: Cele doua filme sunt facute pentru scoala.

Romulus Hotea

Ambele filmulete sunt foarte reusite Serban. Ar putea fi dezvoltate in lungi metraje :) Eu sunt dispus sa ma implic in orice proiect serios, oriunde in lume, daca pot fi vreodata de ajutor, te poti baza pe mine :)

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