Since joining Stage32 in 2012, I've been able to search for local contacts as well as connect globally with other professionals. I'm always delighted to talk about voice culture, pro-audio gear and of course the role of VO in post-production sound. I specialize in character and creature voices as well as "voice of god", listen for yourself: I also do copy-editing, voice direction and producing as well as coaching - working closely with filmmakers and studios to bring out the best in each take. My performance career began in 1995 and I am proud to say I can support myself doing what I love. I'm living the dream! I have my own business doing voice, as well as performance art and live sound. A positive attitude and sense of humor both serve me well. I love my clients and am so grateful to be able to be able to meet and work with other creatives through networks like this. Always hoping to meet some animation and video-game casting directors who are looking for a fresh voice (or dozens of voices, for that matter). Although most of my gigs come from all over the English-speaking world via the comfort of my home-studio, I really enjoy getting involved in local productions. I'm based out of Ulster County, nestled in the Catskill Mountains of the Mid-Hudson Valley area, 90 miles north of NYC. Kingston, NY is the nearest city, and Woodstock is the most well-known. If you're local, look me up. If not, shoot me your Skype address and we can talk shop. Look forward to hearing from you...or better yet, voicing for you! -Carl Welden. Studio gear: Microphones: Neumann TLM49 w/Sterling Audio PF1, SHURE SM7 Preamp: ART Voice Channel strip loaded w/Telefunken tube Monitors: Crown D-75 Reference Amp, Alesis Monitor One, Sony MDR-7506, Wohler VM-2A Software: WavePad, Audition, Reaper Field gear: Recorder: ZOOM H4N Mixer: SHURE FP-33 w/Porta Brace rig Interface: SHURE X2u Live Sound Equipment: (lets just say a small truckload of mics, amps, mixers, speakers, stands, cables, lighting and more)
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Hello, Carl. I'm here in Manhattan, where it's been raining all day. But Stage32 is warm and dry - - a nice atmo for extending a smile across a crowded room. Welcome.
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Thanks Linda! We've had a day of freezing rain up here, coating region with ice, but I've got my wood-stove cranking and it's nice and toasty...good day to work from the home-studio!
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You are quite the talent Carl and wishing you all the best!
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Carl: The monthly Hudson Valley magazine CHRONOGRAM has printed my poems. They love to do interviews with talented local people. Google the publication -- it's a huge, all-color affair -- and see if you can start a fire there.
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Way ahead of you...I worked as a cartoonist for Chronogram for few years and know the head honchos well. They're a fine bunch. In fact, I did their first radio commercials back in the 90's. Been in a few stage productions with Phillip Levine, their poetry editor to boot.
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I love CHRONOGRAM even more now. :-D
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Oddly enough, the whole genesis of my performance career began with poetry readings up and down the Hudson Valley some 20 years ago. I launched a one-man show utilizing voices, instruments, masks and movement, in which many of the voices I use today were born.
That's so fascinating, Carl! Your method sounds very appealing!