Filmmaking / Directing : 10 Filmmaking Tips from Mark and Jay Duplass by Darren A. Furniss

Darren A. Furniss

10 Filmmaking Tips from Mark and Jay Duplass

"Employ a strict 'No Assholes' policy" and more great advice from the filmmaking bros. Via IndieWire:

CJ Walley

Absolutely loving these tips. Possibly the best I've read. Thanks for sharing these, Darren!

Darren A. Furniss

Glad you liked them, CJ!

Beth Fox Heisinger

These are great!

Dara Taylor

Wow, #10 was unexpected but incredibly insightful! I agree completely! These tips can be used in all disciplines of the industry too

Lauran Childs

Nice! Something to learn from.

Debapriya Sengupta

great tips !

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