Screenwriters with a few years experience, attention! … Lets represent and show the new S32 creatives how we do! Who's entering the contest! And which script or scripts are you entering?
Screenwriters with a few years experience, attention! … Lets represent and show the new S32 creatives how we do! Who's entering the contest! And which script or scripts are you entering?
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I'm entering! Not sure what yet...
Sam, I've heard great things about your coverage! You feel like trading scripts before we enter?
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Hey, Shari! I checked out your profile and enjoyed your content! I really like LOW AND OUTSIDE. Sounds like a contest winner to me!
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Just joined S32 not even an hour ago. I'm eager to see the entries!
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Hey, CJ! Welcome to the Family! This is the best network in the world for screenwriters! … I'm entering 3 specs. They're all on my profile if you want to check them out. If you have any questions about anything on the site, feel free to hit me up!
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Thanks mate, I'll be sure to check them out.
How sweet are you, Shawn, to check out my loglines and chime in! Thank you! That one's definitely in the running. I guess the first question is submit one? Or more?
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I have a crime thriller that I'm polishing and will enter if it is ready.
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Shari, I think you should enter more than one! You've got some good stuff on your profile!
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Maybe, when I'm done with lots and lots of edits, I'll put my best foot forward.
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When's the final deadline? Maybe I'll consider it as well. Yikes. I can already see the competition is going to be fierce. :-))
Final deadline is April 29, Sylvia. We got this!
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Just entered my script- good luck all!
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Here's the information, Lisa.
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I may have to do this one.
Lisa, if you look at the link there are tabs under the title "The Stage 32 Happy Writers Annual Feature Contest" near the middle/top. The tabs are: Contest Info; Rules; Judges; and Prizes. I don't know what "prize package" you are referring to, but all prizes are clearly listed and described under the "Prizes" tab. I'm not going to list them all for you when they are clearly available... Please take a look. :)