Who likes Horror films?!.. who's a fan of the original Nightmare on Elm street? and what is Your favorite Horror movie(s)? Like to hear your thoughts.
Who likes Horror films?!.. who's a fan of the original Nightmare on Elm street? and what is Your favorite Horror movie(s)? Like to hear your thoughts.
Awesome! very cool! you totally went in-depth for a comment, lol. very cool.
well, i like the Nightmare films, the Friday the 13th films, Halloween(1978), Psycho(1960), Fear Clinic, Carrie, Jaws, Zombie films, the Howling, the Birds, and much more.
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Oculus, The Conjuring, The Descent, Alien, The Thing, In the Mouth of Madness, Nosferatu, The Haunting, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street (1 to 3), Psycho, Halloween, Carrie (both original and remake), The Prince of Darkness (best nightmare ever), Texas Chainsaw Masacre, The Night of the living Dead, Diary of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both Romero and Snyder versions), The Cabin in the Woods, Evil Dead, Ring (both Japan and US versions), The Grudge, Poltergeist, Rosemary's Baby... Can't remember others
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I'll tell you one that made me giggle "Andy Warhol's: Frankenstein" okay so there was some staggering eye candy; but the effects and premise were so horribly bad that I found myself laughing through it, rather than being horrified by it....
The original Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween are among my faves. Of course, I'm a sucker for classic horror such as Dracula, Wolfman and the wonderful Creature from the Black Lagoon. I just love those.
I loved Frankenstein and the corpse coming out of the grave was awesome scary. I just never got the zombie thing. They're dead and how do you kill something already dead? My son (huge Walking Dead fan) insists the head shot is what does it. Logical me is like 'they're already dead. how does a head shot make it more so?' I'll never understand the concept behind zombies or the fascination with them. They're gross, so I get that. The rest of it...not so much.
Well not completely dead to borrow a phrase from "The Princess Bride", they are animated by a manipulation of a force of nature in a way not intended. Interrupt the plane of existence in the proper way and they're dead like a can of Raid. Similar to Vampires broiling in the heat of the Sun because they are exposed to a fire of Creation, and killed with a wooden stake (one taken from a sacred or powerful grove even better) because you take the power of a force of nature and you interrupt their plane of existence by striking at its symbolic core, in this case The Heart.
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I liked Friday The 13th more than Nightmare on Elm street. Some of my favorites, Salem's Lot, Amityville horror, Scream, The Descent, 28 Day Later, The Omen.
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Thanks for the effort, Kenneth. Zombie writer I will never be. Eric, Salem's Lot...I love the 70's version. Original Omen totally loved. The Shining...scares the bat crazy right out of me. I should attempt another sit through. It's been a long time.
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Dead Quiet, coming later this year ;)