My short script LIMBO was optioned by UK director/producer Raz Akram. (I have gone on to write two more shorts specifically for him!) Just got word today that Raz has signed rising UK actress Luccia Rennie to play the lead in LIMBO -- what Raz calls a complicated role. Hoping to take it to festivals later this year.
HUGE CONGRATS Marla. Very excited for you.
Congratulations, Marla, fantastic news!
whoop whoop
Bravo! Keep the momentum going!
Rock On!!!!!
Great, congrats
Wow that is REALLY exciting! Well done!
How exciting congrats!
Really pleased to hear of your success. It's always good to know someone is getting somewhere - makes me want to keep writing. Thanks for sharing.
That's Great! Congratulations.
High 5 Marla, congrats!
Great to hear good news, my best to you.
Congratulations! Let us know which festivals
Go on, Marla! Let's have more and more success stories like yours. Okay gang--am now queuing the APPLAUSE!
Very nice, congratulations!
Congratulations, Marla. I can see ProSeries didn't hurt you! Best regards.
Very exciting news, Marla!. Congrats!
Way to go Marla! Perseverance pays off… not to mention talent.
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Great news!
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WOW, awesome job. Huge congrats Marla!
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Congratulations Marla! Way to go! :)