Introduce Yourself : Actress/Writer/Producer - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Girl Meets World, The Mentalist by Cheryl Texiera

Cheryl Texiera

Actress/Writer/Producer - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Girl Meets World, The Mentalist

Hi Everyone - I just wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself to the rest of the Stage 32 Community! If you've taken any of the webinars/classes - you may have heard my voice at the top as I'm one of the mediators. ;) I'm also an actress/writer/producer - excited to connect with fellow filmmakers. Below is a link to my YouTube Channel where you can check out my sketch/variety series: Confessions of a Bitter(sweet) Actress (Nominated for a 2014 Independent Television Award) Hope you enjoy!

Tom Batha

Welcome Cheryl.

Paul Mortsolf

Glad to have you here.

Eric Pagan

Hello Cheryl!

Christina Berlin

This is great!

Cheryl Texiera

Thanks guys! Excited to be here! :) -And thanks for checking out the link Owen & Christina! Much appreciated!!

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