Cinematography : Struggling with a lot of Rookie Lighting mistakes... by Kelly McKinney

Kelly McKinney

Struggling with a lot of Rookie Lighting mistakes...

I am making a lot of rookie lighting mistakes and am not sure who or where to turn for help. Could someone point me in the right direction? I am new to cinematography, no film school, but am a very fast learner and I'm serious about it. Studying text books doesn't seem to help me. The video is an example of the lighting mistakes, but I also need help figuring out how to light my X-Files fan film. Anyone care to help? Is it the type of lights I'm using? Their position?

Hayward Crawford

Just volunteer on as many student film sets as possible, target local film school or film related programs in your area. I went to film school myself but learned mostly from observing more experience DPs/Cinematographers on set, which I continue to do now.

Jeffrey Akers

I would add that if film schools or professional film sets aren't available in your area, lighting for still photography and lighting for cinematography are one and the same (the equipment can be very different but the concepts are the same). There might be a better chance of you helping and learning from a still photographer.... Also, there are no mistakes-- 'trial and error' is the best way to learn. You're on the right track already by avoiding textbooks.

Kelly McKinney

Plenty of film work in the area, just had to break into it. And yes indeed, thanks.

Chris Hackett

Shane hurlbut has great videos online about this and the slanted lens has done some strong tutorials in a noir type shoot, noir being very tight on how light is used helped me gain some understandings on why you should light from the farthest point in your shot and then closer to your subject. Paint from the background is what keeps coming to mind.

Sandro Baraba

you should definitely check this forum

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