So, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience getting a novel professionally published or successfully made it to the screen by their own accord. I would love to have both done, but I can take either or. I was also wandering about if studios like to see scripts or if they would take the story in book format? I suck at doing the script thing but I have the mentality of writing a novel like a movie.
I have been down the road, even went to Hollywood (full of sharks) now in the process of preparing a treatment for a small Film Company but be careful
I Found out the Hard way,Writing 20 books then Realize the Difference between a Real Movie Script and going back thru to have the Scenes and acts put in then go thru the Logline,Treatment and Virtual Pitchfest.Do Not Give up all 20 of my E-Books are free to get the word out Amazon is a great starter with Createspace keep trying
Melvin is right I have done the same thing, but 6 books down the line AHHHH