Acting : Voice Acting Contracts by Shawn Krumm

Shawn Krumm

Voice Acting Contracts

Hello, Fellow Creatives! I'm searching for a good voice-over contract. I've found very simplistic ones and very complex ones, and I'm attempting to edit and merge two of them, then present it to an entertainment attorney for approval. Any suggestions of where I could find a good contract, or maybe you have something that works very well for you for audio books, narration, and industrial videos? I thought I'd start there and move into character voices later. Thanks for any info.

Nancy Kaszerman

A friend of mine suggested : "Shake" It's app for small businesses owners and entrepreneurs to use to create contracts for their services.also check out this link: …..also the book Voice Over LEGAL by Robert J. Sciglimpaglia Jr. handles this stuff..good luck!

Rebecca Davis

Robert has some example contracts in his book I believe -

Shawn Krumm

Thank you very much, Nancy, Rebecca, and RB!

Richard "RB" Botto

Very welcome, Shawn.

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