Your Stage : Who'd like to see a sequel / possible follow up to "Psycho IV: the beginning"?.. >> "Psycho 5". by Kevin Pacheco

Kevin Pacheco

Who'd like to see a sequel / possible follow up to "Psycho IV: the beginning"?.. >> "Psycho 5".

Who is a fan of the classic Hitchcock Psycho? or any of the sequels that followed that?.. Because, I might have an idea for a follow up to Mick Garris' "Psycho IV: the Beginning". (My pitch> "Psycho 5", it has been 24 to 25 years since the burnning of the Bates Mansion went up in flames. Norman and Connie bates had their first born in 1993, their child is named Alex Bates. Norman, Connie and Alex had a wonderful life in the 1990s, until tragedy struck upon the Bates family. Norman had two mini heartattacks in the span of two months of 1998, and finally, in the Fall of 1998 (Sept/ or Oct) Norman bates dies of a major heartattack. Alex was only nine or ten years old at the time, Connie asked Alex to see Norman for the last time. in a low voice, Norman told Alex his most darkest secret, because Norman did not want to take his old murders to his grave. Norman told Alex that he killed his mother when he was just a teenager, and Norman had killed a lot more after his mother had died, even when he killed Marion crain and was put away in the asylum. Alex listened the entire time, he couldn't believe what he had heard. Alex had rage built up inside and couldn't do anything to release it. Norman took his last breath and then he died. Just before Alex left the room, a letter was clutched into the palm of Norman, the letter was authenticating the truth when Alex took the note from Norman's hand. Everything from what his father has said was All true, the dates and the entire timeline of what happened many years ago. Also, another page was attached to the first page, stating that the Bates mansion and the Motel has been untouched for many years. But warning Alex to never venture there until he was old enough, Alex only had an old photo of what the place looked like (scene fades out). Thats what i have as of now, if Anyone likes my pitch, Like/Comment. love to hear your thoughts. K

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