Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! by Alexandria Buchanan

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone! Not only am I very new to acting, I'm also new to Stage 32. If anyone can give me a few pointers on how to work my way around this particular website, it would be much appreciated. Thank you:)

Eric Pagan

Welcome Alexandria!

Hans Nielsen

Welcome Alexandria. One good place to start might be looking at the lounge discussions that are listed by topic (acting, screenwriting, producing, stage design, make-up etc., etc., etc. Then go from there.

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

WELCOME… nice to have you

Mike Romoth

Check in fairly regularly and read through the comments for posts that interest you. Don't be afraid to post your own comments, that's how people will get to know you. That's what I did and I've learned a ton and made many new connections. Don't get dragged into the occasional bickering.

Joe Becker

WELCOME! My first bit of advice is, don't act. I see far too many actors trying way too hard. what comes out is not believable. instead, get into the situation and live it. be the person in the situation, not an actor reciting lines. be believable. The amount of resources on Stage 32 can be overwhelming. I would say check your page once a day, or at least once a week, and utilize those resources. this site is loaded with tons of really good information

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