It's been a wild week. I sent out my query letters for The Dancing Dodo. Thirty-two script requests. Only one reject so far - they loved the script, budget was too high for them. Hopefully this bird will get some traction.
Alle, they are all smaller production companies, you are correct. Mostly foreign ones are responding, but that is fine for my project as it is set in London. I don't want to bore with listing all 32, but a few that I had heard of before were Sideshow, Legacy Filmworks, and Hurricane films.
Thanks David for sharing the info. The fact is, the best way to break in is with a GREAT script sent to a smaller production company that has the resources to get a film made. They are accessible. Attempting to break in via large studios is an effort in futility. Good luck. I hope you get an option!
Considering you never EVER give any proper details about your 'productions' Alle, or back up your claims with actual hard facts, it's a bit off that you're demanding David publish a list of producers requesting his script!
I'm sure TV commercials can be pretty extraordinary. Worked for Rupert Sanders. Big congrats, David! Don't let the Allehater snap at your heels, let it slither back into the swamp where we've watched it wallow for a whole year now.
Congratulations on keeping the momentum up and getting results. I found (after spending an extraordinary amount of money) that the $45 paid pitches here on this site were not a wise investment. Many script requests but it was like pulling teeth to even get a response.
Paul, I went through three rewrites and hired a script consultant to get the script ready, then got some professional feedback on my query letter and my logline as well (I still tend to write my log lines like tag lines, hard habit to break)
That's great! How many queries did you have to send out to get 32 script request?
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I used a service. I think they send about 3000.
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Alle, they are all smaller production companies, you are correct. Mostly foreign ones are responding, but that is fine for my project as it is set in London. I don't want to bore with listing all 32, but a few that I had heard of before were Sideshow, Legacy Filmworks, and Hurricane films.
4 people like this
Thanks David for sharing the info. The fact is, the best way to break in is with a GREAT script sent to a smaller production company that has the resources to get a film made. They are accessible. Attempting to break in via large studios is an effort in futility. Good luck. I hope you get an option!
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Congratulations David, fingers crossed!
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Congrats and well played. Best of luck with those requests. It's a numbers game :)
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Congrats, David!
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Good luck David! May the Dodo take flight soon!
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Always with the negatives, Alle!
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Congratulations, David!
Great news!
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Considering you never EVER give any proper details about your 'productions' Alle, or back up your claims with actual hard facts, it's a bit off that you're demanding David publish a list of producers requesting his script!
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I'm sure TV commercials can be pretty extraordinary. Worked for Rupert Sanders. Big congrats, David! Don't let the Allehater snap at your heels, let it slither back into the swamp where we've watched it wallow for a whole year now.
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Good for you!!!
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Good job! What was your process for getting the script ready to send out?
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Congratulations on keeping the momentum up and getting results. I found (after spending an extraordinary amount of money) that the $45 paid pitches here on this site were not a wise investment. Many script requests but it was like pulling teeth to even get a response.
Would you mind sharing what service you used to get it sent to so many agents? Thank-you.
Thank you all. Alle, good to know you and Anton have met before. No introductions needed. :)
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Paul, I went through three rewrites and hired a script consultant to get the script ready, then got some professional feedback on my query letter and my logline as well (I still tend to write my log lines like tag lines, hard habit to break)
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Thanks, David. I just finished my second script. I decided to send it in for coverage. I hope that improves my process.