Introduce Yourself : instrinsic Me by David L. Philip

David L. Philip

instrinsic Me

Hi everyone. My name is David L. Philip, I am a creative artist that does little paintings or bring ideas concerning costumes and so on. Right from when I was kid i've always wanted to act in animated films. I 've been interested in animations/cartoons from my childhood and I will love to play a role someday. Let us keep networking and keep the flag flying high.

Beth Zurkowski

Hi David. Keep plugging away.

David L. Philip

Thanks Kathryn.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, David. Be sure to check out the Animation section of the Lounge. Feel free to post any content or simply join the conversation over there. Best of luck to you!

David L. Philip

Thanks a lot Richard.

Richard "RB" Botto

For sure, David!

Phil Parker

Welcome, David! Stage 32 is a great place to be :-)

David L. Philip

Thanks namesake.

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