Introduce Yourself : Getting my toes wet in here by Eva Pohler

Eva Pohler

Getting my toes wet in here

This place is big and scary.

Eva Pohler

Thanks. If you knew how obsessed I've been lately with The Walking Dead, you'd realize how much I enjoyed your reply :)

Pierre Langenegger

Stay on the lighted streets and avoid the dark alleys, you WILL be mugged.

Eva Pohler

I guess I'd rather be mugged than ignored in here. So thanks.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi and welcome. Social networking can be daunting in itself to some, but I view this site differently, if your an artist you already belong. Most of my friends commented it was unlike me to join a chat room, but after being here, I was pleasantly surprised. I can grab a cup of tea anytime and hone in on my true innermost artistic pursuits! And the wealth of talent from all different genres, willing to reach out and share, is priceless. The 2 comments above were witty, so I thought I'd give a serious answer. Ha ha, Owen and Pierre probably couldn't resist the "Moth Coming to The Flame". LOL. Cheers everyone.

Bob Conder

Hi Eva, The only scary ones has pointed teeth. Hope you have a wonderful successful time networking.

Eva Pohler

Wow. Thanks. I feel comforable already. I also found all the webinars. Good stuff.


Welcome Eva!

Jessica Rose

Very good stuff Eva! Welcome!

Eva Pohler

Thank you. It might take me many days to navigate through all of the information on this site, so it's nice to see some friendly faces.

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