Updated SEC Crowd funding rules - things are starting to clarify but its on a STATE by STATE basis... here's the latest info... SEC's latest rules on Crowd funding ( STATE by STATE ) http://www.thewrap.com/sec-ruling-changes-game-for-hollywood-film-financ... Updated SEC Crowd funding rules - things are starting to clarify but its on a STATE by STATE basis... here's the latest info... overview http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/11/18/s-e-c-s-delay-on-crowdfunding-may... District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oregon and Pennsylvania http://images.go.wolterskluwerlb.com/Web/WoltersKluwerLawBusiness/%7b9a6... Alabama, Maine, Michigan, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin http://business.cch.com/srd/CrowdfundingStateExemptionsPart22.pdf