Hello Stage 32 Aussies, I’m currently undertaking an online course in Professional Screenwriting through Australian College and as part of my assessment I have to research and write a paper on the role of a writer from an Australian television program. I’ve already sent through requests to ABC and Freemantle. ABC has politely blown me off as they are too busy and I haven’t heard back from Freemantle as yet. The information I need to research relates mainly to the processes and interaction the writer has throughout the program development process. I was hoping that someone out there in the Stage 32 world is or has previously been a writer for an Australian television show and would be happy to answer some questions for me. The sort of information I’m researching is: How the writer is engaged. How the writer interacts with the script department or script editor. How far the episode is developed before the writer becomes involved. How the writers are engaged and briefed. How much time writers have to complete the first draft of the script. Does the writer receive feedback on the draft and then do the rewrite or is this taken over by another writer? Do writers focus on one episode at a time or on multiple? Is there a series bible for the program? Is there a standard writer’s fee paid per episode, and how much it is. I would greatly appreciate any assistance at all. If you ‘d be willing to help me out, please send me a message. Have an awesome day all. B
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I don't want to be a killjoy but this sounds like the sort of information the course should be giving you.
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Is the course seriously asking you to contact television people of interviews? I hate it when educational institutes ask unrealistic things of students and don't consider OTHER people's time and ability to help their students.
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I know Pierre and Cherie. I hate to be a pain and I know people have enough stress with their own lives, than having to answer my questions. Not really impressed with this section seeing as the rest of the assessment pieces are my own work and film evaluations. But I have a time limit and its better to ask and see if anyone can help me than fail an assessment piece I suppose.
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Fair enough Bianca and good luck with it. Hopefully you'll find someone here who can help you.
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Do some research and make it up. If the teacher calls you out for it, tell them you're a writer, so what do they expect?
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I like your thinking Jean-Pierre.
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Seriously, I think Jean-Pierre is onto something - the ABC website has a section about writers and productions, can't recall the proper title, good information re what they are looking for, then EMBELLISH - whoever is teaching you wouldn't even know themselves.
Chanel I must be blind cause i've looked for that and can never find anything.
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Cherie, I could email it to you, but I'm not sure you would be able to open it, so try "ABC television independent production" - if you are successful, I want a 'spotter's fee', lol - let me know if there is an issue - Bianca, you could use that site as a source, not to mention Screen Australia and Screen Queensland, you would be expected to use these avenues anyway - remember, EMBELISH, that's a polite word for bullshit your way out of this, hehe.
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Bianca, much of the information is available on that ABC site, they explain what they want and how one should go about it, take a punt and try it.
Thanks Chanel. I did get a response from Screentime telling me to look at their behind the scenes clips for the information but that was it. I think I'm just going to have to wing it and see how much I can squeeze out of the websites. I'll go trawling through the ABC site and see what I can find. If all else fails, I like the stalker idea Lisa :)
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Bianca, in the ABC Independent Production they actually tell you what they want and how one should go about it, easy, piece of cake, the rest, as you say, wing it - I don't think you'll have any trouble at all - good luck, kid - you from Brisbane?
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Hey Chanel, on the site as I type. Thanks, the independent production site is very different from the other. I work in Brisbane but live just outside in Ipswich.
Hi Bianca, I'm a TV writer in Australia. What sort of time frame are you looking at for responses to your questions? I'd love to help out, but I'm under the pump with deadlines at the moment.
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OMG Emma that is really rather freaky. I wrote to Freemantle about Wentworth and I had your name down as one of the writers. That would be abolutely awesome. I've sent you a connect request, otherwise I cant send through a private message. I'm not in a rush, just more of a panic that trying to find someone will take me forever.
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Accepted! Shoot me through a DM re the details and we'll work something out.