Screenwriting : Sci Fi AND Horror and thoughts on how they work together by Melody Cooper

Melody Cooper

Sci Fi AND Horror and thoughts on how they work together

I'm back to this site after a writing/producing hiatus and signing with an agent. I'm a horror and sci fi writer (write separate genres and in combo). What are people's experiences with working in both the Horror and Sci Fi genres? What's your idea of successful Sci Fi/Horror? I love working in both and find the wide horizon of the genres stimulating and fun. Both let you examine multiple aspects of human nature in unexpected ways. I focus on multi ethnic casts and strong female leads.My horror screenplay MONSTROUS was a top three finalist for 2014 Slamdance. My short sci fi film was an Official Selection of this year's Boston Sci Fi Film Festival, and I'm head writer on a new sci fi web series, and have two new horror screenplays and a sci fi thriller pilot my agent is shopping. (I updated my profile, so check it out. ) Here's my list of Sci Fi/Horror that worked: Alien/s, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (pick your version), 28 Days Later, The Fly, Cloverfield, Mimic, The Mist, Life Force.

Kerry Douglas Dye

Reckon I'll take a flier: all horror is about the alien in a way, right? Boring old ordinarily life, then something alien enters, be it malevolent supernatural entity, a real-life beast (human or non-human), or even a virus or mental depravity. So in typical sci-fi/horror that alien creature comes from space, or another dimension. No reason that shouldn't work as well as an alien creature that comes from closer to home (the ocean, say). The only danger for this viewer is when the sci-fi elements create a world that is insufficiently recognizable and thus puts the me at a remove. One could see Alien and Aliens working much less well if the ordinary Joes and Janes (miners, Marines, whatever) weren't so recognizable but seemed more from the sci-fi/fantasy realm. I doubt, for example, that a horror flick set in the Star Wars world of Jedis and ninja muppets could ever be all that frightening.

Melody Cooper

Interesting p.o.v. and I largely agree. Horror and Sci Fi is about how we deal with Other, which is one of the major challenges of being human, since we don't even deal very well with humans or even parts of ourselves that we see as Other. Re: what puts an audience on the remove, I guess it depends on the audience and how you define "recognizable." An alien life form that's not at all humanoid and communicates vastly differently than we do, could have a compassionate and surprisingly emotional connection to humans, and I would want to see that story. I also have wild interest in seeing things outside of my own imagination, which has been the draw for me to science fiction (since I was a child) in the first place.

Kerry Douglas Dye

Sure, I'd want to see that story too. But it doesn't sound like you're describing a horror story. :)

Edward Higgins

It sounds dreadful. Lol

Melody Cooper

Oh, but guys, it depends on how you handle it. And what else is in the picture. (In mine, it's pretty horrible). ;)

Melody Cooper

In a good, terrifying, Horror kind of way! ;)

Kerry Douglas Dye

Then rock on. Anything horrible is A-okay by me.

Zach Rosenau

Most "alien" films are actually a subgenre of Horror and not Sci-Fi. Monster films are the originators of Horror, so with films like Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, even Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Universal Pictures was tapping into mass appeal for stories that dealt with the theme of the OUTCAST, the Other, which empathized with the victims of racism, homophobia, misogyny, or anti-semitism. An alien can operate as more or less just a "MONSTER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER" and really functions on the same plane as Quasimodo or the Count, just less metaphorical, more generative. Classic sci-fi films, on the other hand, deal more with questioning socio-political norms by extrapolating into the future and then reflecting back onto the "now" their own ills and misdeeds as judged from a hypothetical future. So Utopia or Dystopia questions are traditional sci-fi, whereas turning Communists into alien invaders is actually Horror.

Melody Cooper

Yep, Zach. Though I think there is room for a Dystopian tale or examination of a hypothetical future to share much of the same aspects of traditional horror that go beyond just the Monster syndrome, but also include Fear of Death and Fear of the Unknown (which can include fear of change aka The Future). If sci fi tends to focus on the idea of what we can or will be, I suppose the biggest fear would be that we'd end up being absolutely Nothing at All, that we'd cease to exist. This is a common theme in hard science fiction. though not as much in films. But we do get the threat of human annihilation in films like Alien, The Thing and The Day the Earth Stood Still, for instance. In a sense, Dystopian Societies and Monsters, though imperfect, dangerous and fractured, both give us something to hold onto, something to fight, escape or change, whether it's in the present to avoid death or loss of self or in the future to avoid complete annihilation (of self or species). I'm highly interested in the non-traditional intersection of these aspects of Horror and Sci fi, and that's what I tackle in a recent screenplay and TV pilot.

David Levy

Look how "Alien" was pitched - Jaws in space.

William Martell

ALIEN is a great sci fi / horror example. One of the elements of horror is going to a strange place (family moves into new house, people driving cross country stop in small town, etc) and space is a strange place.

Chris Hackett

I love sci-fi deeply. sci-fi horror I'd have to point to Event Horizon. perfect melding in my opinion. He'll, space and dimensional travel all in one. Also even though they missed the message Sphere is a good example. A lot of what I want to write these days is dystopian futures melded with horrible real life events. Murder and tragedy and such. Sci fi is the ultimate filter though, since it's some oft place so many things that can happen in a story that would be otherwise controversial are common place and vice versa.

Melody Cooper

Yes, Chris! I left out Event Horizon, which is always fun to go back to and catch all those early clues. I'm completely fascinated by the idea of the supernatural in a Space or Other World contexts. Ghost of Mars was a bad example, but could've been a cool idea if done better. Some video games do a better job of it. I guess Gareth Edwards' Monsters is sci fi/horror. I love that movie, it's tension and the final scenes.

Phil Parker

Edge of Tomorrow was a really enjoyable film, but I think it could have benefited from a clearer focus and development of the 'monster' element. As it is, the antagonist monster is kind of generic and faceless. A fun film but maybe not as good a crossover between sci-fi and horror as it could have been...?

Melody Cooper

Phillip, curious to know what would have made it a better crossover for you?

Eric Pagan

Great post Melody! I have always thought of Aliens as a SciFi/Action. To me, when the movie has a lot of butt kicking, the Action over rides the Horror, like Edge of Tomorrow and Species.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

I don't think Edge of Tomorrow was supposed to be a horror though.

Eric Pagan

Right , But a lot of people say horror every time a monster/non human is in a movie

Kerry Douglas Dye

I was 11 years old the summer that Aliens came out. I saw it on the big screen. To this day, it's the most terrified I've ever been in a movie theatre. Aliens is a horror film.

Kerry Douglas Dye

Slightly OT, but The Fly came out around the same time. Some theatres had Aliens and The Fly as a double feature. Helluva summer for horror.

Melody Cooper

Yeah, Fly is def Sci Fi/Horror.

Melody Cooper

Jean-Pierre Eric, I agree that people think horror if there's a Monster, but it's really about the function of the Monster that categorizes the film for me. Is the monster there primarily to instill terror? (Horror) Is it there to challenge our sense of reality and make us explore our human nature? (Sci Fi) Is it there to do both? (Sci Fi/Horror)

Phil Parker

For me, the horror element of sci-fi comes out best when the monster (assuming the element is a monster) is somehow humanized. This makes it relatable, even if it is a killer. This is done beautifully in Aliens. Edoge of Tomorrow needed some of that to make it more of a cross-over. However, as it is, I agree it's more of an action/sci-fi, and an underrated one at that.

Eric Pagan

@ Kerry, I've never been terrified by a movie (On the big screen), I was 15 that summer. Salem's Lot did get to me tho.

Melody Cooper

YES, Eric on Salem's Lot! An OT aside: I remember reading it on a camping trip (BAD idea) and that original old TV mini series was scary and pretty close to the book with James Mason, Danny Glick at the window and the depiction of the vampire (the attack through the window inspired something I wrote). I barely remember the 2004 version. I think I stopped watching it.

Lynn Wilkinson

I commend you for writing in those genre, they are so beyond my abilities. I know I would never even attempt them. So my good wishes to you.

Melody Cooper

John, No Monster necessary. I posted above that some people think a Monster makes the genre horror as opposed to sci fi, and I think it depends. The unknown and unseen can be just as monstrously frightening as anything . In the supernatural vein The Others is a great example of a classic horror movie without a monster.

David Levy

I didn't flinch during Blair Witch. I laughed more.

Kerry Douglas Dye

I was in college when it came out. Then EVERYONE saw it. Scared the hell out of me, but plenty felt different. Doubt it works as well on the small screen.

David Levy

I found Evil Dead (Bruce Campbell version) scarier than Blair Witch

Melody Cooper

My latest is a horror comedy feature screenplay and it's surprising to me how many people love that kind of thing and are interested in this one.

David Levy

John, I agree. Sam Rami did some campy things but it got more of a reaction out of me than BW did. I took a date to see "I Know What You Did Last Summer". I was the only one in the whole theater that never jumped or flinched.

David Levy

Horror/Comedy is interesting if executed right. Some do not like the Horror genre but if humor is added it takes away from the fear some have sitting though a shorror film. It's why I love Zombieland! Thank God for rednecks!!

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

@David - Maybe it's because you were too busy watching everyone else in the theater! Blair Witch scared the hell out of me. I'v gone camping a lot and it definitely sticks with me. I saw Evil dead about 5 years ago for the first time, so it didn't do much for me. I can imagine it was good when it first came out though. The grudge and The Strangers are two horror movies I don't hear many people talk about, but they're definitely in my top 10 scariest.

David Levy

JP - I was watching the movie. I still remember watching it in the theater, where I sat and everything. I just don;t react to those kinds of films because I always try to figure it out. It's one of the reasons why my wife hates watching anything with me! She even hates when I know when a commercial break is coming up.

David Levy

Another great one! Zombieland was supposed to be a TV series. I like that kind of humor.

David Levy

It may not have a firm solid plot or theme but there is an endgame. Plus, some films are fun for what they are.

Melody Cooper

Bill, I usually write horror action or sci fi/horror thrillers but this Horror Comedy kind of wrote itself, and wasn't what I first intended. But I had so much fun writing it (I have a very dark sense of humor). I'm getting great feedback and industry interest, so go figure! Title: All the People I Like Are Dead

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

Interesting title. Wish I could read it.

F Wheeler

The 'Alien' films are still pretty popular.

Patrick Freeman

I don't know. I could write about my marriage and it would be a horror story. But I don't think anyone would want to watch it. Melody, can I ask you how you happened to secure representation with such a prestigious agency as Abrams? From your imdb page it looks like you have two short films to your credit. How did you get noticed? Is there work that has not yet been posted to imdb?

Robert P. Davenport II

Perhaps you should add "Pitch Black" which spawned the Chronicles Of Riddick films. Pitch Black was well executed.

Melody Cooper

YES to Pitch Black. Love that one.

Melody Cooper

Patrick, Abrams is my lit agent and I queried them with my credentials as an award-winning playwright (my other agent there is Ron Gwiazda, who is David Mamet's agent). I had also won and placed in a few screenplay competitions by that point, so I always highly recommend that people enter those (like PAGE, Slamdance, Nicholl, Austin, BlueCat). I also focused on my "brand" as a sci fi and horror writer. My agent loves those genres.

Melody Cooper

Lisa, HA! No, his agent is my theatrical agent for my playwriting (I have two agents at Abrams) But let's imagine Mamet sci fi. What would that look like??

Melody Cooper

Mamet might have moved there for film. But as far as I know he was (and still is) a long time client (for legit theater only) of Ron Gwiazda. But he might have made a change? I think a space station murder thriller with a shape changing alien who had an amazing facility with language, but that no one could trust, would be right up Mamet's alley.

Zach Rosenau

Snippet from Horror/Sci-Fi script by David Mamet: - We have a-- - We do. - A what though? Say it- - Space monster. - Again. - Fucking space monster. - A monster from space? Fuck. - It's a space monster. - That's what I- - No, you said- - Said? - You said "monster from space." - You said- I said- How is that-? - It's from space and it's a monster. To us. - Right? - Down here. To us. - Right. - But we don't know if it's a monster in space. - Gotcha. Fucking space monster. - Fucking space monster. - Fuck.

Melody Cooper

Fucking nice, Zach!

Benjamin M. Allotey

Cross genres are great if done properly. I thought the first Predator was horror. Have you ever seen "Laserblast"? It was a movie released in seventies about kid who was bullied who finds an alien weapon discarded from a spaceship and uses it to get back at the people who tormented him. The twist is each time he uses the weapon he loses a part of his humanity. You should check it out!

Melody Cooper

I've heard of Laserblast, but never saw it. Now I'll have to seek & watch. Anyone read the novel Life After Life by Katie Hopkins? It's on my reading list. Supposed to be a war/family drama/sci fi cross over. Don't know if it's been optioned yet.

Melody Cooper

John, did you like Edge of Tomorrow?

Daniel Diosdado

Hey! I love all the titles you posted but my heart will always be with "The Shinning"

David Levy

Great film "The Shining". I've been to the hotel it was filmed at in Colorado. Very errie hotel!

Melody Cooper

YES to The Shining as pure old fashioned horror (and amazing cinematography). Who here is going to the Stanley Film Festival this month, the horror festival that's in The Shining hotel? I WISH. Next year!

Eric Pagan

The Shining, Great classic! The last good horror film I've seen on the big screen was The Descent.

Melody Cooper

The Descent is one of my favs, with lots of strong female characters. Anyone ever see Dog Soldiers? Surprisingly effective.

Eric Pagan

I just watched the Dog Soldiers trailer on you tube, lol. If you say it's effective, I'll check it out.

Melody Cooper

Yeah, Eric. Low budget, but Neil Marshall, same director that made The Descent. DS is his early work.

Eric Pagan

Surprised, Dog Soldiers was pretty good. It says in the credits that Neil Marshall wrote it too.

Ken Cormick

A sequel to 'Dog Soldiers' has been rumoured since about 2004, but unfortunately it has never eventuated :-( Great film!!

Andrew Man

I'm back to this site after our first Geneva Creatives Meetup, which was disappointing so need to work some more on that. I have written a Sci-Fi series, but find US prod cos only want script set in the future. My script is set right here and now and mostly in Europe. The big TV cos only want scripts set in NYC or LA - going abroard is Vancouver! So my take on SCI-FI/HORROR sees a lot of competition, and think the SUSPENSE/MYSTERY gendre may be easier to sell on screenplay and TV pilot.

Melody Cooper

Andrew, I hear your frustration, but there are exceptions: Helix, which is set kind of now, and I think of as sci fi/horror and has been set in Antarctica, an island, Europe. But yes, if you're not in at least the Near Future It would be a hard sell. X Files was set now. Cloverfield, Godzilla, The Day the Earth Stood Still. There are others.

David McDonald

You hit all of the sci-fi/horror hybrids I would have mentioned, but Ken's "Dog Soldiers" addition is spot-on.

David McDonald

Oh...and maybe "Shivers" by Cronenberg.

Peter Killam

Melody what is your take on making a curse believable to the audience. How would you go about making that "monster" real, and to be feared? "Drag me to Hell" did a good job using the old woman as a tool. Her accent and persona made you believe, but to a degree it was a tad hokey. Thoughts?

Ashea Goldson

Good to meet you, Melody.

Melody Cooper

Hi, Ashea!

Melody Cooper

Peter, that's a good question. I agree re: Drag Me to Hell. Like The Brass Teapot it's half tongue in cheek. But check out The Possession, based on the true story (and doc) The Dybbuk Box. The Babadook might kind of fall into this category, depending on how you interpret the monster and where it actually comes from. (BTW The Babadook title is an anagram for A Bad Book). I think it's always effective to have a specific item that can become menacing as the film progresses...innocuous at first (like that damn scary clown toy in Poltergeist) then progressively sinister. In correlation though, it should have an equally sinister effect on a main character to really get under our skin. A cursed object often stirs the evil/dark side within us all. Take a look at Sinister too and that cursed projector and film.

Melody Cooper

Peter, and since this is a sci fi/horror thread, I should mention Event Horizon: cursed ship!

David Levy

People forget that the Blade and Resident Evil films are sic-fi/horror. The horror aspect is there! Look at Pitch Black and the Riddick films!

Robert P. Davenport II

It might be splitting hairs but in my opinion the Blade and Resident Evil franchises are high tech horror films with a mild undercoating of sci fi. UV bombs and clones are merely props to tell the horror story.

Melody Cooper

Yeah we mentioned Pitch Black. What's nice about that film is that it throws you in, keeps you guessing, reveals on the fly and keeps the horror immediate but initially unseen and the stakes high. Good point on Blade and Resident Evil. They corner that medical/sci fi/horror p.o.v. I guess for TV we should add Helix and The Strain.

David Levy

I can't keep track of all the films mentioned!! So damn many!! lol.

Melody Cooper

Robert. I love "mild undercoating." HA!

Andrew Man

I agree with David Levy, can't keep track of this. Forget looking back, we should be looking forward to whats hot and selling. As an author I go to Book Fairs to sell my book rights, the more book rights I can sell, the more books get sold - mostly! So what was hot and got sold at the London Fair last week? Its not Sci-Fi or horror:, remember guys good books get into films, eventually!

Peter Killam

Melody thanks for the input. Your horror/comedy spec title sounds like it could be a great popcorn flic. Then there is the horror where you don't dare move while watching, or you may stir the waters of some insidious metaphysical event that takes your soul. That is the effect I am looking to create in my writing.

Melody Cooper

The Don't-Dare-Move horror film is one of my favorites...where you literally draw your knees up and have your fist in your mouth and that strange keening sound is coming I've written some dark and intense horror that fits the bill in several scenes, but to maintain that? Rare. The general wisdom is that you give the audience a release from the tension here and there. I'm tying to think of films that are literally (and successfully) relentless. Aside from torture porn, which I hate. My very latest is actually an intense script that deals with a legacy of hatred and is very character driven. Even my horror comedy is very character driven. I come from a theater background, so I things for character and dialogue to balance my action plots. Can I just say that I am having so much fun connecting with all you horror and sci fi writers and fans!

Melody Cooper

Andrew, I agree. Look Forward! While there will always be a place for great non-horror and non-sci fi books that make great movies, it's undeniable that some of the biggest box office has been original sci fi, fantasy and horror. Some of the book deal flurry we often see is HBO or the networks buying books so no one else will adapt them and beat them to the punch! TV is eating up books. Some of my favorite films are of course from books. But Look Forward also includes using the imagination to see things from a different reality and maybe directly in a visual film medium. A book is not written as a film (though I suspect there are more and more writers thinking "Here's my in to selling this idea as a film!") I think of films and books as having such wonderfully different qualities that something does get lost in translation. I don't care how many times Anna Karenina gets made for the screen, it will never come close to the book. Ever.

David Levy

If we lean toward sic-fi a lil more then I could get in on the conversation better! lol. Sorry, just not a big horror fan. Not my genre! But I do admire certain elements of horror used properly in other genres.

Robert P. Davenport II

lol was that a drive by?

Melody Cooper

David, bring it. What's your favorite Sci Fi? I'm partial to Children of Men, Blade Runner, Stalker, 12 Monkeys, Gravity, Forbidden Planet, Things to Come, Brazil, Minority Report.

David Levy

Blade Runner, Stalker, and 12 Monkeys are great films. Brazil has one of my fav writer/directors, Terry Gilliam! We can get into Baron Munchausen, Time Bandits, and Fear and Lothing another time. I'm a sucker for Close Encounters, Planet of The Apes, 2001, A Clockwork Orange, Akira, Moon, the original The Day The Earth Stood Still, plus the usual Star Wars! I can add more but that is off the top of my head.

David McDonald

Good call! Wow, didn't even consider dystopias. "1984" has to be up there...

George Schmidt

Hi Melody - nice to meet you - your thread came up in my daily email for Stage 32 (not very much on here I must admit) However film is my passion and horror/sci-fi are definitely fave genres. THE THING (John Carpenter's version; sorry the original is a yawnfest), THE FLY (Cronenberg's remake is indelible), JAWS (My 2nd all-time fave film right behind IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE), old school Universal Studios monster movies & Hammer Films too, and basically anything and everything under the sun. Not a big fan of torture porn either as you mentioned but Eli Roth has his moments. Having said that I must say also BLADE RUNNER, the first STAR WARS trilogy, JACOB'S LADDER (one of the few films that truly unnerved me; takes a LOT to scare/spook me; I've seen them all), THE OMEN (original), THE EXORCIST and the original PLANET OF THE APES films. Also I am a huge fan of Rod Serling (who co-scripted the adaptation of the first POTA flick) and THE TWILIGHT ZONE/NIGHT GALLERY are among my faves of the genre on TV (also to a degree THRILLER hosted by Boris Karloff, ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS & THE OUTER LIMITS but I'm better versed in TZ by a long shot) as well as KOLCHAK - THE NIGHT STALKER & THE XFILES (the last great sci-fi series IMO). Recently of late I dig HANNIBAL when I must admit I wasn't thrilled w/another attempt for a film into a TV series but it is very dark (the way I prefer it) and close to the core of the source (including Harris' novels). I am mostly on Facebook (I sent you a friend request :D ) Would love to read any of your scripts - I do some writing here and there (mostly film reviewing - since high school - 30 yrs now). Keep up the good work .

Melody Cooper

MOON Love everything about that movie.

Melody Cooper

And Jacob's Ladder. I own. I love.

Melody Cooper

Thanks, George. Night Stalker! I forget where you can watch those old ep's now... and New Outer Limits kicked ass with the soldier in the diner who couldn't fall to sleep or else ghosts from the war came...or was that the new Twilight Zone?? We need a great anthology series again. I guess web is handling that now (I have a series launching).

George Schmidt

Robbins should have gotten an Oscar nomination for JL; yes MOON is very underrated

George Schmidt

You can probably catch eps. on YouTube & Hulu (I own all of the original & '80s vers. of TZ; as well as NS & NG) - the plot you describe is from the TZ '80s reboot - "Nightcrawlers" about a Vietnam vet whose nightmares come to fruition - directed by none-other-than William Friedken. I concur if they can do the anthology right - some have attempted and failed (recently NBC had one for horror - name escapes me but it was a hodgepodge at best). What is the series you are launching? Very cool! & again best wishes in all your endeavors.

George Schmidt

Found THE OUTER LIMITS (original series) ----

George Schmidt

And THE OUTER LIMITS (reboot series ) also on Hulu

David Levy

Not sure but did anyone mention C.H.U.D.? Another great 80s horror/sci-fi from the 80s.

Peter Killam

I remember an old X-Files ep. where the actor who played Candyman is a war veteran. His platoon were given a prototype operation allowing them to never have to sleep again. Years after the war he decides to find and kill off his platoon and then himself. I believe it was from season 2.

Peter Killam

I may be in the minority here, but I really liked Fear Itself. Masters of Horror on HBO had mostly really good eps. I would love to be a part of a writing team to put together 12-13 eps and get it on You Tube for starters. Then get some attention hopefully to make it into a series. Ever hear of the Fine Brothers?

George Schmidt

MASTERS OF HORROR was Showtime & Yes that was Tony Todd in the XFiles eps. 'SLEEPLESS' Not familiar w/Fine Bros.

George Schmidt

Sorry C.H.U.D. was crud

George Schmidt

Yes FEAR ITSELF that was the horror anthology I was trying to recall the title of - ran on NBC

Melody Cooper

George, my series is called THE NEXT ITERATION, a sci fi series about transhumanism in the near future. We recently shot the pilot and I loved being on set, making last minute changes, working with the cast. And the director encouraged me to assist, since he knows I'd like to try directing one of my low budget scripts. Digital is great for fast page to production.

George Schmidt

Awesome - when it is broadcast please keep me alerted :D

Peter Killam

The Fine Brothers put together a YouTube series of cute little kids giving their opinion on YouTube videos that went viral. Due to the number of hits - Nick Cannon brought the show to Nickelodian.

George Schmidt

What do they have to do w/sci-fi/horror (which is what the convo concerns)?

John Luerding

Sci-Fi and horror work well... It worked for Aliens.

Peter Killam

The Fine Brothers took it upon themselves to find a way to get their show and idea to Nickelodian. It's a success story about making it happen. Yes it has nothing to do with Sci Fi/Horror - it is a success story about getting your art/craft/ambition to the mainstream.

David Levy

C.H.U.D was a good cheesy film. We all have guilty pleasures we enjoy watching.

Chad Descoteaux

Sci-fi and horror definitely work together because there are people who can't wrap their head around magical elements in a story. They'd rather be afraid of some kind of radioactive mutant because science and all.

Terrence Sellers

I think any 2 genres can work together. It's just the story you want to tell and how it's shot. You can do horror in any setting. Like Midsommar does it all in the daylight at a pagan summer festival. And sci-fi is even easier to apply to anything than horror is. Mixing the two together isn't particularly special or revolutionary. It's just a design choice of the writer. Even Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is categorized as sci-fi horror.

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