Anyone have any advice for a writer/director? I'm not looking to sell my script, but instead, direct it. Obviously no money at the moment. Currently searching for financing. Are pitch fests and screenwriting festivals effective if you're attaching yourself as the director?
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Matthew, the best advice is to get out there and make what you can as you can. If the specific script you mentioned is too big to make on a small budget, chances are you'll have trouble getting the funding for it since you're both an unknown writer and unknown director. Hopefully that's not discouraging, but should help you focus on what you can do now. Pitch Fests and Screenwriting Contests are great for getting your work out there, possibly striking a deal, or possibly finding representation. None of these are really there to land you a job as the writer/director per se. If a production company takes an interest in your script, they're going to want to option or buy it and then attach the crew they want to it. Insisting on being the director is a surefire way to limit the amount of interest you might otherwise see, especially if you're an unproven quantity.
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