Success Stories: APR'28 Requested by Ratpac

Eddie G

Requested by Ratpac

Hey gang, just got a request from Ratpac for my comedy Black Friday. After several rewrites and revisions wish me luck..

Mike Romoth

Go get 'em.

Edward Thames

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Shawn Speake

That's what's up, Edward! Way to write!

Phil Parker

Great job, Edward! Best of luck!

Shari D. Frost

Good luck! But it doesn't sound like you need it :)

Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Edward!

Joy Graham

CONGRATS! Good luck (and an extra prayer)!

Susy Johnson

AWESOME! Congrats Edward :)

Karynne Summars

Great. Good luck.

David M Hyde


Eddie G

Thanks everybody!

Robert Julius

Good Luck

Mike Romoth

Pursue! Conquer! Repeat!

Benta Ogutu

Hey, you're pretty...a Rihanna lookalike. Guess you hear that a lot!

Nerys John

That is so awesome!

Pete Stone

Congrats! I like the title, grabs attention

Brian Walsh

Great to hear! Wish you the best going forward, Edward.

Charlotte Talley


Elisabeth Meier

Good luck!

Becky Fink

Congratulations, Edward, and best of luck going forward! Keep us posted...

Bruce Lawley

Great news Edward, good luck with that

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