Producing : LOWER PIDDLE compilation by Keith English

Keith English

LOWER PIDDLE compilation

Lower Piddle compilation I have just compiled all three LOWER PIDDLE spots into one piece for a pitch. Very fun to finally watch them one after another. We have a cloud-based crew to produce this but of course we are out there trying to raise the funds we'd need for this 90 minute animated, albeit rather cheeky, feature. Wanted to share the result with everyone so if you have a few minutes spare, go visit Mick and Ollie in Lower Piddle ... ...

Keith English

If anyone is interested in seeing the script please feel free to contact me. Here's the one paragraph premise ... LOWER PIDDLE, a quirky little village inhabited by even quirkier locals, lies deep in the English countryside beside the River Piddle, unknown to most anyone except the locals and the odd driver who takes a wrong turn. Its unfortunate “it’ll never-be-missed” ranking, leads the British Army, and their cranky curmudgeon, Major Mustard, to hone in on this little backwater hamlet, planning to forcibly sequester it as a missile range for their new Chinese built, and thus very cheap, Ball-Stinger missiles … of which only two have so far been completed. Mick and Ollie, two normally-dormant locals who’s worldly knowledge doesn’t stray far from the FAT COW PUB, decide that’s not on and take on Mustard and the army; cooking up a scheme to stop them by attracting those “two bruisers” Colin Farrell and Liam Neeson to move to the village; that is after they’ve seen the promo they’ll make. That doesn’t quite work out but it doesn’t stop them either. Not discouraged and now properly equipped, they push on to make their own Piddlewood gangster movie, to attract tourists and thus thwart the Army’s plans. But in the end it’s Sophia Bellamucca, the well endowed and freshly arrived Italian owner of the much anticipated Sophia’s Hand Lubrication Service, who both cuts off the Major’s balls … on the missiles of course … and wins Micky’s heart, ensuring they’ll live happily ever after in her “Magical Service Bay” … at least that’s what Micky says.

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