I was really tempted to post this in the Success Stories section. It was a HUGE SUCCESS...I would like to personally THANK all the 40+ attendees for giving of their precious time to meet & greet other members of Stage 32. Especially to John who drove 2 1/2 hours from St. Catharines to join us. It was so cool to meet face-to-face and share stories. The 2-hour scheduled meet up lasted over 4 hours... What a blast. I'm already looking forward to the next one in June and to chat with the folks I didn't get around to as much. Hopefully next time. Photos coming. Thank you all again. Hasta Proxima...
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So happy for you, Sylvia :)
3 people like this
Someday - I'll be there with you guys!
3 people like this
Sounds like a big success. Well done!
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That's what's up! Can't wait to see the photos. Glad to hear you're doing well.
2 people like this
Congrats! That is very exciting!
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WIsh I could have been there, but my paying job doesn't always cooperate. :) Hopefully I can make the next one! Glad it was a success!