Introduce Yourself : Hi by Allison Harting

Allison Harting


I tried to convince my self to pursue a career in psychology because I'd be better at that and feel more secure with a steady paycheck. This was because I was scared I wouldn't be any good at filmmaking. But sitting at home watching TV made me realize I can actually make a difference in the film industry. I'm not alone with my views and it only makes sense to display what I learn in a way that people can really remember. I watched my mom struggle with depression and health problems and for awhile she spent all day just watching TV. She wanted to relate to other human beings without feeling like she'd be judged and deemed an outcast. Seeing this helped me realize TV doesn't rot the brain. Filmmaking is not a waste of time. Filmaking inspires and pushes people through a depression like it did for my mom and it did for me. My hope is to get better with each film I work on and connect with my community. Allison

Jacob A Tapia

Not much motivates like film :)

Korak Day


Allison Harting

Thanks, isn't it such a good feeling to know what you want to do for the rest of your life?

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Allison! Great to have you.

John Muller

If you have "something to fall back on", you'll never get up.

Jo Weber

You go girl! Make a difference!!

Elisabeth Meier

I totally agree, it is a great feeling and gives you an inner peace and balance which is worth gold.

Kevin Doy Burton

Hello Allison.

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